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"how did he know my name...?" I stare blankly at my now broken laptop and repeat that same question over and over to myself. Suddenly the lights flicker on and off and then off again. I sigh trying to remain clam, it's not working as well as I hope it did but oh well. I lay down and rest my arm over my head and begin to be in deep thought. 'it couldnt be a coincidence...?' I shake my head and decided it best be off if I head on to sleep, I was fairly tired so as soon as I have gotten conferrable and drifted off to sleep. I soon wake up and look around, I'm definitely! Not in my room. I Immidently sit up and observe my surroundings. I'm on a silky soft bed cover that are black and red with red pillows covering the top. I look up and notice that there isn't any windows...'yay.' I look around the room more as an awful smell begins to fill my nose, I have no idea what it is but it's a very bad smell. I decided to put it behind me not wanting to figure out what the smell is, I get off the bed and see a little lap resting on a bed side table. I turn on the lap and look around the room some more. I see a brown wooden door not to fair away from where I stand. I walk over to it and jiggle the knob trying to get it open after a little more force I manage to get it to open. With a sigh of relief a feel an icy cold hand graby waist and pull my from the door and pushing me back on the bed. I look up and notice a black mist hover around the door closing it again. I growl quietly to myself as the mist begins to become more clear a man begins to appear. The first thing I noticed was his sinister smiles. His damn smile. "You! Your the guy from Mark's video! Get the hell away from me!" I hear him chuckle as he steps closer to me. His chuckle echos throughout my entire head. "Greetings...(y/n)~" with that my vision begins to go blurry and I faint back on to the bad.

(A/n): hello. I know this is short comepared to my last chapter but I already have the next chapter typed out on my computer I just need to copy it over to the next chapter. I would've put it in this one but it's about 5 a.m and I need to sleep so thank you all for reading.


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