Boarding school pt3

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A week after meeting Curtis, he made fast moves and started calling me and texting me a lot. I didn't tell Mitch, even though Lachlan for sure knew.
I was in my room, texting Curtis when Lachlan barged in.
"(Y/N), my parents came home from their trip for a bit to see you."
Lachlan Informed me. I sat up on my bed.
"Oh? I didn't even hear them come in."
I told Lachlan and stood up. Lachlan rolled his eyes.
"Well maybe if you weren't too busy flirting and having little fantasies with Curtis, you'd be able to be aware of what's happening around you."
Lachlan shot back then left the room. Why does he always have to be so bitchy? I sighed and walked downstairs where Mr and Mrs power stood. I met them and they seemed really nice. They apologized for always being out. I told them it was no problem and that i was glad they were kind enough to let me stay in their home. The conversation was short since they had to leave again, but they were nice people.
After they left, I sat in the living room with Lachlan sitting across from me. Then Mitch entered the room.
"(Y/N), wanna play soccer with me in the yard for a bit?"
Mitch asked. I nodded.
"Sure, but I have a test so I can't be too long."
I answered, then Lachlan spoke up.
"It's your turn to do the dishes, (Y/N)."
Lachlan flatly said. Mitch pipped up.
"No, it's ok. I'll quickly do the dishes, you can just go practice with the soccer ball in the yard. It's in the garage."
Mitch told me. I smiled and nodded. I got up from my seat and made my way to the garage. I looked around to find a soccer ball. I moved the pump and found the soccer ball behind it.
"Mitch likes you, y'know?"
I jumped by the sound of Lachlan's voice. I didn't hear anyone follow me, but he was here. It was kind of dark since the lights were really dimmed, but I could still see him.
I stuttered. Lachlan nodded and moved closer to me.
"Obviously. I heard him talking to one of his mates about you."
Lachlan Informed me. He was so close, that I could count his eyelashes. I smelt the Irish spring scent from his skin mixed with his cologne. His hair looked like a darker blonde in the dark.
"What's it to you?"
I challenged. My heart was hammering and I quickly realized I was extremely attracted to Lachlan.
Lachlan took another step closer, our chests were almost touching. I could feel his hot breath on my forehead. He brought up his hand and started started tracing my cheekbone with his finger. I closed my eyes and forced myself to take deep breaths. Lachlan cupped my cheek with his hand and my eyes opened. The other hand moved my hair away from my face as I slowly started to tilt my head up.
"What are you-"
I couldn't finish because Lachlan connected his lips to mine. His lips were soft and smooth. I felt my insides start to calm once we kissed.
Then, we both heard footsteps coming to the garage. We pulled apart and Lachlan turned around and walked towards the door, which Mitch opened.
"You ready, (Y/N)?"
Mitch asked me, ignoring Lachlan who walked past him. I was still shocked. I looked at Mitch with wide eyes and nodded.
Mitch and I ended up passing the ball back and fourth to each other for about an hour. I then left to go study for a test. I collapsed onto the desk chair and sighed. Curtis texted me but I couldn't bring myself to respond.
What the hell happened between me and Lachlan?

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