14. Or You'll Get Fat

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“You have exactly 30 min to convince me why I should talk to you

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“You have exactly 30 min to convince me why I should talk to you.” I folded my arm on my chest.

“Look Lay I do not have any excuses for my actions but I have my reasons.” he bagan standing up, not bothering to sit down. “It was a dare okay! The boys and I play some games…” I raised my brow and he quickly added “nothing harmful.” the boys meaning Amir and his gang have been up to something.

“You call beating up a guy not harmful.”

“You know nothing about underground boxing Lay, besides I don’t do that all the time.”

“So you do beat people up sometimes for what!? A game!” I raised up my hands in the air and let them drop.
“Noo!... Layla will you just hear me out.” he said frustrated and I shut my mouth.

He took a deep breath. "We dare each other for entertainment and it was my turn so the guys dared me to win the underground boxing championship." I stayed silent, they play games? What are they? 5 years old?

"And you chose to not tell me?" I asked. We tell each other everything and don't have any secrets. Who am I supposed to believe if not my own brother? Khaled is one older than me and go to the same year as Amir and his gang but a whole different major so we barely see each other at school. Ever since we were children people though we were twins because of how close we are.

"Come on Lay I didn't feel the need to. If it was important you know you would be the first to know." He breathed.

I pouted, maybe I was being childish And stubborn? But hey I thought he done this for long. "Okay"

He took a step closer "sooo you forgive me?" I narrowed my eyes at him."Yeah."

He gave me a big smile and hugged me hard. He sighed "I missed you."

"Me too." My heart ached, I haven't been away from my family this long.

"Come home this afternoon. Home has been boring without you and Ali is been getting on my nerve these days. I need you to put him in his place." His kissed my temple and chuckled.

I know how annoying Ali can be. The only people he listens to is me and Latifa aside from my parents. Latifa doesn't care if he is my little brother or not, she gives him a piece of her mind when he crosses the line.

The only one who cares for him too much is Sabrina while Scarlett treats him like a lost puppy and he enjoys their company while he hates me and Latifa, more like scared of us.

"Yeah I'll come." I said as I pulled away. "I gotta go bro, the school begins in 15 mins."

"I'll drop you-" he began but I intrupted him. "No after school I need to pass by somewhere before I come home so I'll take my car." I need to drop off my painting to my publisher. Today is my deadline.

"But I need your help to put my painting in my car." I smiled sheepishly.

He pinched my nose and said "let's go then."
I felt worried and curious as Amir and I watched how Latifa and Keith was behaving. What is going on today? I have never seen Latifa blushing in my entire year in this school. Keith on the other hand had a proud smile on his face. I raised my brows slightly and glanced at Amir titled my head in question. Have I missed something? Amir lips twitched trying to conceal his smile.

Currently all 7 of us were sitting on a table in the canteen. Scarlett recovered from her hangover. For some odd reason the guys decided to sit with us today too. A new fact for Scarlett.

"All right cut this sh*t now, why are you fellas here?" She give them the look and held a spoon hard ready to throw it at her twin in front of her.

"Not to look at your miserable face, that's for sure." Keith muttered as he drank his energy drink.

Scarlett glared at her twin before she said "I'll bust your brain and feed it to the dogs. Have some manner when you talk to your elderly." She snarled.

"By 30 seconds? No way." Keith countered back and we were caught in a bickering between the twins.

While they fought Latifa helped Scarlett by throwing some comments at him making Keith loom at his friends with pleading eyes for help.

Lucas and Amir ignored him. Lucas was sitting beside me and he leaned towards me while cracking some jokes but I kept glancing at Amir only to find engrossed in his thoughts. His face was serious like he was having a battle inside his head.

For some reason I wanted to know more about him without sounding desperate of course. Finding any excuses to do that but kept failing.

Amir didn't seem like the bad boy everyone thinks he is but he is indeed secretive. He's not giving me any hole to peek at his life into.

Suddenly Amir, Lucas and Keith's phones started to plink indicating that they just got a message. They all looked at it and froze. Amir caught my eyes and stiffened but dragged his stare to his friends and nodded slightly.

They got up and before they left, Amir smirked at me and said "Don't eat too much or you will get fat." He winked.
I gasped and threw the fork in my hand at him but they were long gone.

I need to know what they're hiding. Are they still playing that game Led told me about or are they doing something else?

 Are they still playing that game Led told me about or are they doing something else?________________

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Sorry for the late update I promise I'll update on time from now on.


Later beauties❤

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