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"Stop eating sweets or you'll get sick, that's enough

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"Stop eating sweets or you'll get sick, that's enough." Amir took my chocolate cake.

After we bought a kind of sweets, I ended up sitting on the floor with the sweets surrounding me. I ate nonstop for 2 hours watching avengers infinity war together with Amir. Right now he's pissing me off.

"Give it back!" I gasped.

"No, don't you have a competition in less than 2 days?"

Ahh he's right I can't just eat whatever I want or else I get slow. I can't afford to lose this year. But still it's only today.

"Today is my cheat day so give it back I'm craving it." I got up on my feet and tugged on his arm as he held up the cake over head.

"If you can get it-" he started but a sharp pain shot up my abdomen.
I cried out and ran to the bathroom as I felt a bile going up my throat.

As soon as I got in front the toilet I threw up everything I've been eating for the past 2 hours. Every last bit of it. I didn't feel Amir's hand on my back until I've calmed down.

Shivers ran down my spine and I don't if it's Amir's touch or a fever.

Since when did we get close? Have we cease to hate each other? When did we get so comfortable together? And why am I at ease and happy?

After I finished puking my guts out I slowly got up and quickly brushed my teeth not looking at Amir once but I could feel his gaze on me.

He has seen the worst of me already, I'm surprised he isn't running away. A normal guy would a long time ago.

I tugged at my abdomen which hurt so bad and tried to move forward but Amir came up to me and brought his hand up to me.

"Here take my hand." He said and I really wanted to take it but what if he's messing with me? I mean it's Amir we're talking.

I don't know.

"We're not in a movie Amir, I can walk by myself just fine." I said limped pass him.

Suddenly I'm in his arm like a bridal style. "Amir!" I shrieked, startled.

"I don't take no for an answer lion." I wanted to give a piece of my mind but the pain did not go away, I hate periods, first it hurts like hell and second I'll miss all of my prayers which makes me unsafe.

But hey I need to be grateful, it is indeed a blessing from Allah.

Amir brought me to my room and placed me under my covers. He looked around my room as if it's the first time he seen it. Well it's only his second time.

"I still can't believe you're L." He sighed.

"Yeah well I'm a good liar." I smirked depit the pain stabbing me through my stomach. A pill would be helpful now but I hate pills, they're disgusting.

"Who else knows about these paintings?" He walked toward an painting board of when I was the happiest.

"Only my brother... and well you."

"And Your family? How were you able to hide all of this?" He gestured to a half dozen painting on my walls.

"They knew I liked art but not me painting them."

After a long silence he spoke again. "Do you plan to tell them?"

"Yeah but when I'm ready." I snuggled under my cover meeting Amir's eyes.

It's a wonder how his eyes change. Right now they were midnight blue. So dark and beautiful.

"How did you start painting?" He finally asked, the question I've been wondering how to answer to. I've been practising lies to avoid that question but right I'm ready to speak my heart.

"It's simple actually. Before we moved here, we were originally from San Francisco where I had hardships such as bullied and threats for years because of my hijab. I lost hope and confident but one day I sketched on one of my old books and it felt good. Now that I think about it that's how I became interested in sports too. I wanted to defend myself and let out my emotions so I focused on sport and art. Now I can't function without training and painting, they became a part of my life."

Amir fell silent, maybe I scared him with past. Who knew this girl was actually vulnerable in the past.

"I would say I'll protect you but you don't need any protection." He said still searching my eyes. "You are the strongest girl I've ever met."

I want to ask him something too. How many secret is he hiding from me?
"Do you have secrets of your own?" I dared to ask.

Please tell me, I trusted you with my dark secrets. I wanted to speak those words but I would never force him.

He started at me long and hard before his gaze dropped down. For a moment there he was considering it but to my disappointment he said. "I'll bring you painkillers, rest."

I sighed as he closed the door behind him. There goes my hope of him opening up to me.


"What? Really? How did that happen?" Latifa widened her eyes amused.

"I have no idea how, I didn't have the energy to think to much about it and said yes." I said.

"Well, gurl you just hit a jackpot. I never knew Lucas had it in him." She smirked leaning on a table. We have been sitting at the park. It was a beautiful weather outside we wanted to take a fresh air.

Frowning my eyes caught Zahra as she was walking directly towards us.

What is she doing here?

When she reached us she said "Can I have a word?" Her cat-like eyes narrowed at me.

"Go ahead, you can say it right here." I glared at her. How dare she have an attitude with me.

She threw a glance at Latifa and then right back at me. "I see you can't stay away from Amir, but do want to see who he loves? Come here this park tonight at 8pm, you will see the truth." She winked and turned away without a word.

" She winked and turned away without a word

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Later beauties ❤

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