21. Three times

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"No." I stated. "I am not going to jump a thousand meter from the ground. Are you trying to get me killed?"

"Don't tell me you're scared, lion or should I say kitten."

"I'm not a kitten." I snapped "I'm just...afraid of height."

"Well fear are there for you to overcome them, right?" He said and threw me on his shoulder. Panic and excitement rose inside of me and I did not know which one of them was stronger.

He started to walk towards the helicopter and greeted the pilot. I didn't bother to fight him, I've already tried that.

Amir dropped me slowly on the seat and sat beside me. My blood ran cold, my heart raced.

Ya Allah help me. But Layla sooner or later you're going to face this fear might as well be it today.

"You're being awfully quiet. Are you frightened, little kitten?" He mocked me but his smile dropped when he saw my face. "You've gone pale, we can go somewhere else if you really scared." He spoke with concern.

He sounded so forgein that I thought he wasn't him. I grabbed his arm and squeezed it lightly. "No, I can do this. This is nothing for indeed I'm a lion." I said, my voice hoarse while failing at smirking.

"I promise you won't die from this."

"If I die I'll kill you on the judgement day."

"If we meet each other."

"I will hunt you down."

He chuckled and there went my heart crazy. But I became relaxed nonetheless. "I'm ready."

Amir gestured to the pilot and the next second I found myself heavy with equipment with Amir behind me in a raging helicopter flying in the air.

Me and Amir shared one parachute together and my back got attached to his chest. I don't know how this works but the pilot tries his best to explain.

After about a mile from the ground Amir opened the door and I could hear nothing but the sound the wild wind. Ya Allah I'm really doing this, I'm jumping.

"We're jumping, brace yourself lion." Amir whispered right into my ear which resulted goosebumps covering on skin.

And we were falling.

More like flying.

Amir held my hands as we had them by our heads. Before I knew I was laughing and feeling relaxed.

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