A vampire touch (Criss Angel fan-faction.) 6

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Mist woke up from her nap and brushed her hair. She went to the living room and sat down next to Skylar on the couch.

"So did you have a good nap?"

"Yeah, did you take a nap too?"

"No. I didn't want to take a nap. I'll just sleep when we get home."

"How long has it been since we ate?"

Skylar had to think for a moment. He couldn't even remember when they ate. "So what is food again?"

"Hmm, I don't even know. I think it come's from a person, or animale.''

"Yeah, that's right, but where will we go to eat, or really when will we eat?"

"Let's see what time is it?" She looked at the clock on the wall and it said four o'clock. "Well it will be sometime after the show. So then we could go to a club, or do you feel like have beef, or something like that?"

''Hmm, I feel like having beef. I don't feel like trying to get a woman tonight just to feed on.''

"Yeah, and then after the show who really would."

"But I think we need to get going unless you want to be late?"

"I was just about to say that."

They walked into the mall and walked into the theater a little before five. When they walked in the stage was full of people trying to get thing's done before the show. Chris was in the middle of the stage trying to get some of the thing's where they go. He notice that Mist and Skylar were wathing them. He smiled slightly at them then went back to what he was doing. They walked up to the stage and sat down in the front row. They would have walked up there, but they didn't want to get in the way of the worker's.

Chris was talking to the worker's then when nothing was going on that he needed to help them with he walked off the stage and sat down next to Mist. For a moment he sat there watching the worker's work to make sure that they didn't need him for the moment.

"So what do you think of it so far?" Asked Chris.

"It look's like a lot of work."

"It is, but it makes the show all that more fun. I mean it already is, but with all the hard work that went into it makes it all the better. Oh and hi, Skylar."

"Hey." He said waving slightly.

"Mist you need to get on the stage with me and start getting ready for they show."

"Okay, but what will I be doing?''

"That is why you will be getting on stage with me and get ready."

Chris walked her to the stage and started to get ready for the show. Before they knew it it was a hour before the show had to start. So they went back stage on just got a little make-up put on. Skylar was just sitting in the row watching and waiting on them to get finished. He didn't mind they doing what they were doing it was just that he wanted to get a few minutes with his sister before the show. But it looked like it wasn't going to happen by how long it was taking. They walked back onto the stage and Skylar was still sitting there watching and sitting there.

"Okay, so Mist you will need to be on the left and I'll be on the same side when we walk out onto the stage. But you will come out when I call your name."

"Okay, and we need to get finished so then we can take a break before the show."

''Okay, but be up here two minutes before the show."

Mist got off the stage and went over to Skylar. Skylar seemed like he was a little sleepy just sitting there. Even though they are vampires they would still get the feeling that they need to sleep. They are all most human if it wasn't the fact that they had to drink blood. Mist sat down beside him and put her head on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?'' Mist asked.

"Yeah, just kinda sleepy."

"Well then after we get something to eat then you can take a nap. Okay?"

"Okay, but not until I know that you are okay and won't need me to help you with anything."

They got to sitting there watching the worker's work again. They still had a little work to do before the show. Mist liked the fact that she would be doing more trick's with Chris Angel, but didn't like the part where people other than Skylar are watching. One of the worker's said it was five minutes before the show start's. So Mist asked Skylar if he wanted to watch from the side of the stage, but he said no. Mist walked up on the stage and was on the left side of the stage. Then it was seven and the door's opened and people started to walk into the room.

Chris then walked onto the stage and the people started to applaud. He did a few little trick's the called Mist onto the stage. She walked out onto the stage and she was soo nervous she would have flown away. They did a few trick's together. When she started to get ito it the nerves went away, but as soon as she was doing them by herself they came back. But when she started to get into the trick's and when she saw Skylar that feeling went away again. She had done he last trick when Chris came back out. They were going to do one more. It was what he would normal do by himself, but he thought it would bring a little something to the trick. He told her to make him levitate. She felt nervous again wishing, hoping that she could do it, but when she looked into his eyes that all went away and she felt like she could do it. She then closed her eyes and heard the crowd start to chear. When she looked he was in the air then came back down. When he came back to the ground he said that it was not him and it was all Mist. They then took their bow's then left the stage.

Mist felt so happy and Chris was as well. They hugged each other then walked back onto the stage and took their bow's again. Then they walked off stage again. Then the crowd started to calm down and leave. Skylar was the only one left in the room. Skylar then walked up on stage and Mist ran to him and they hugged. She felt Chris's eyes on them and it was uncomfortable feeling. When they let go Mist looked at Chris and he was just standing there.

"I see you are about to leave."

''Yeah, so it's the same time tomorrow?"

"Yes. Same time tomorrow and were a dress. Because of what we are doing tomorrow."

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye." He said back.

They left the mall and went to go find some cow's that were out. They found a farm close to their house and feed on some of them, but didn't kill them. They then went home and cleaned themselves before they went to bed.

A vampire touch (Criss Angel fan-faction.) ~Complete~Where stories live. Discover now