Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll [an arranged marriage] Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

1+1= F*** You!

"I came to say thank you... For... letting me be in your band... And... Singing with me. It helped calm my nerves. So thanks." Nice improvisation Rylee, you are such a good lier. "Oh! Well, thank you for accepting to join, you have a beautiful voice." he smiled and an image of him kissing a boy popped into my mind unconsiously and I bit my tongue to keep from bursting out laughing. I thanked him quickly and turning around. "What's so funny?" he asked and I shrugged. "I don't know." I chuckled and ran downstairs to my room. I'm not against gay people or being gay in any way... It's just that it's so different to me and I never knew anyone close to me that was gay before. Well, I'm not close to Curtis, but I'm going to be marrying the guy whether I like it or not. They want me to marry a homosexual? I DO have SOME standards! Him being straight is probably up there on the list of qualities of my dream man. I just dove in bed and fell asleep, not caring if I didn't wash my face tonight... I don't care if I get pimples... Pimple's happen.

"Goodmorning Miss Turner." I heard an unknown lady's voice and my eyes snapped open. "Sorry to startle you, Miss." a young women probably mid twenties smiled, she had wavy blond hair and big hazel eyes. "My name is Jenna and I'm your personal maid." she chimed and I raised an eyebrow. "That's cool... Why did you wake me up? It's only seven..." I rubbed my eyes. "Well, Miss, you leave for in an hour and a half so..." I sighed. "Oh Jenna, you will learn this over time... I am not a regular girl... It takes me ten minutes to get ready for school. So for future reference, you can wake me up at 8:10 for school." I groaned and layed back down. "Umm don't you mean 8:20, miss?" she chuckled and I spoke with out opening my eyes. "10 extra minutes to eat." I said simply and she whispered a quick "ok" and left without another word. "Miss Turner, it's 8:10." Jenna whispered and I opened my eyes. "Really?" I asked and she nodded. "Wow, time flies." I yawned and threw the covers off. "Your uniform options are on your dresser... I'll be in the lobby, miss, use the intercom if you need me." she said pointing to a button on the wall near the doorway. Awesome. "Will do... and stop callin me miss. Call me Rylee... Or even Turner... Just not miss" I explained to he as I did to another maid before and walked over to the dresser. "Ew." I said outloud, observing the preppy get up.

"But I don't want to learn! I hate learning..." I whined and Curtis shushed me. We were in the school library and it was tutoring period where kids who have alot of trouble in school (me) have one time with a teacher... Or Curtis who was apparently really smart. "Ok we're focusing on a math review today..." he said formally... and he was even wearing glasses. He looked the part of tutor... Except his piercings and what I like to call an "emo side flippy" hair cut. "Yaaaaaaay..." I cheered sarcastically and he gave me a look. "Alright, what was the last thing you remember being taught in math?" he asked and I shrugged. "I was either drunk, hungover, or passed out in class... so I don't remember much... I remember somethings about algebra and finding the area and perimeter of a circle or something like that..." he smiled a little. "Okay, well, that's great... Do you know the formula for finding the area of a circle?" he asked and I paused, "Two times pie time the radius?". "Close, that's the formula for finding the perimeter... It's pie times radius squared... that finds the area." he corrected me and I sighed. "I'm warning you right now that when people teach me stuff it goes in through one ear and out the other." I said, scowling at my navy blue sweater vest with white and gray argile patterns on it and a white button up shirt underneath... With a tie!... I felt like a hoity toity country club threw up on me. I demanded to wear the pants because there was no way in hell I was wearing those skimpy excuses for skirts... They were basically just glorified belts! "You'll get used to it soon enough..." he mentioned noticing me observing my uniform in disgust. "It's not really like I have the choice..." I muttered and slouched down in my cushiony chair, making a loud fart noise with my mouth as I slid down. A preppy girl walked by and sneered at me, rolling her eyes. "Hey you remind me of someone I knew... She died... of a b*tchiness overdose." I smiled and she scoffed. "Well, I definetly won't be the one calling the ambulance when it happens to you." I called after her and Curtis shushed me again. "Shush me one more time and I'll tear you a new a**hole..." I glared and he shook his head with a sigh. "You are some piece of work you know that." I shushed him., "This is a library a**hole! Keep your voice down!" I exclaimed and all the people around us shushed me. I chuckled and started drumming my fingers on the desk, "I'm boooooored." I whispered and he sighed, reaching his hand over to stop my fingers. "Well try to listen... I'm not THAT boring." he whispered. "Says you." I muttered with a smirk and got up flicking his hands away. "Where are you going?" he asked and I shrugged. "I don't know... I guess I'll just find a book on the human body and laugh at all the pictures of penises and vaginas." I said with a grin and walked away, heading towards the rows of books. The truth is... I can't read very well at all... I'm seirious. I had a very hard time paying attention in class all my life, even before I became a drunk. I picked a random book from the shelf and open to a random page to try to read. "But hid-den draw-ers, lock-able dia-ries, and a cryp... A cryp-to-graph-ic sys-tem..." I sounded out the words slowly, tracing my finger under the words as I read them. I'm so stupid! I slammed the book shut in frustration. "Rylee?" I heard Curtis say. "What?" I a snapped and he gave me a quizzical look. "You have trouble reading?" he said in disbelief, crouching down beside me. "Shut up." I whispered feeling tears sting in my eyes. "Rylee, it's ok..." he whispered, patting my back and I pushed his hand away. "No, it's not, It's really not... I'm the only f***ing person I know who can barely read that isn't five years old... I'm f***ing stupid and an alchoolic and you shouldn't even bother trying to help me." I sobbed and he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. "Don't say that..." he whispered and my whole body went stiff. I never get hugged. I never got any affection as a kid. No one ever hugged me or kissed me... And I thought that was normal until I saw my friends with their parents... I was always angry and that's when I started playing sports and letting out my anger and frustration. I pushed him away and smiled, "Thanks... Can you help me learn to... Learn to read?" I asked scoffing at how stupid that sounds coming from a seventeen year old. "Of course." he smiled and he picked up the book and showed it to me. "Start with the title." he said and I looked at the book. "A-tone-ment." I said slowly and he smiled, "That's right... Do you know what that word means?" he asked and I shook my head. "It means the reparation for a wrong or injury... It can also mean amends." he said in his cute british accent. "I don't know what amends means." I chuckled and so did he. "It can mean a couple things... It can be to change for the better or improve... or it can also mean to remove faults or mistakes... In this case I think it would be a bit of both." he explained and I nodded. "I actually understand," I smiled, "Thank you, human dictionary." I chuckled and he sighed. "Alright moving on..." he said and continiued to teach.

"Hey, you're new aren't you?" this preppy blond guy came up to me in the hall and leaned beside my locker. "You're new, aren't you?" he said eyeing me up and down and I nodded uninterested in what he had to say. "Nice to meet you, I'm Vince." he said holding out his hand, "That's great, but I really could not care less." is what I felt like saying but I AM new so I don't want to start out making enimies on my first day. I shut my locker, "Rylee." I said taking his hand and he pulled me close. "Nice to meet you..." I shook him off in disgust. "Don't touch me." I scowled and turned to walk away but he grabbed me roughly. "What's your problem, most girls beg to be with me!" he exclaimed and I laughed sarcastically, "Well, I guess I'm not most girls." I tried to push him away but he just held on tighter. "F*** off, man!" I shouted and I felt someone pull me away. I looked up, and it was Curtis. "You better hope I don't see you with Rylee again." he said calmly and Vince scoffed. "What are you gonna do about it?". "If you do find out... You'll find out the hard way." Curtis said taking off his glasses and I couldn't help but find him really attractive at this moment. "Is she your girlfriend?" he asked and Curtis said nothing. Just gave him a look of death and walked away grabbing my hand. "Don't ever hang out with that guy... He'll just use you." oh, and you don't use women Curtis? You have enough girls in that photo album to start your own personal cheerleading squad... Even a small fruity football team. SORRY! It had to come out... mentally. I just nodded, "Thanks..." I muttered and he gave me a small smile and I gave him an expecting look... As in I was expecting him to let go of my hand now. He noticed and immeadiatly let go. "My bad." he chuckled and I shrugged. "It's fine... I just don't like when people touch me." I explained and he nodded in understandment. "Alright well I gotta go... Meet me afterschool, I'll drive you home." he said and I mumbled a quick ok and headed of to dance class... Yep... Dance class. I didn't choose it, they just assumed I would like to dance... Well, they assumed wrong! When it comes to dancing, I have two left feet.

"Ello class! My name is Ms. Jenkins and I will be your contemporary dance teacher! We won't get down to the actual dancing today, I'll just be explaining what we'll be doin in the future in dance class." she started and went on and on about the "Beauty n' grace of contemperary dance... How it's a form of art" and blah blah blah. I was just singing the "Macaron Chacaron" song in my head and smiling at the back of the room all by my self. Of course, it was a class full of girls, I get along SO WELL with girls (Sarcasm, seiriously people you should be able to pick up on it witout me telling you). Before I knew it the bell rang and everyone charged for the door. Yay! End of the day! I made a rhyme, that was kinda gay... Damnit I did it again! Ok no more speaking to myself in my head for the rest of the day... Ok, maybe just for the next five minutes. I walked out to the front parking lot and searched for Curtis among the crazy teen mosh pit of people. I finally found him leaning up against his lamborghini... HIS LAMBORGHINI? My jaw dropped and he rolled his eyes and motioned for me to come and I did. I ran up to him and got straight to the point, "Can I drive?!" I exclaimed and he laughed, "No." he stopped abruptly with a smirk and I pouted. "Why not?" I asked and he shook his head. "This is my baby... I can't just let any random person take my baby... and drive it around." he said opening the door and sliding in. The interior was red and black... Shocker. It was really nice though. "Wow! I love this car..." I said stroking the leather seats and buckling myself in. "No wonder you get so many girls!" I blurted out and it took me a minute to realize what I said and he looked at me. "How do you know how many girls I get?" he smirked and I shrugged. "Well it was a guess, but you probably do, you're in a band, you're rich, nice car, nice house, you're funny and smart and somewhat attractive." last one was a huge understatement but he didn't have to know that. "Somewhat?" he chuckled and I shrugged. "We both know you're not my type." I explained and he shrugged this time, "Your loss." he smirked. "Correction... More like "My gain"... We're getting married, remember?" he gave me a look. "How could I forget." he groaned and I punched his arm. "Ooooh ouch..." he said sarcastically and huffed and reclined my seat. "You're a douche..." I muttered and closed my eyes relaxing after a hectic first day of new school. I listened to the rumbling engine and fell asleep it's about a 25 minute drive back to Curtis' place... So I had a 25 minute nap. "Wake up, Rylee..." I heard him say and I groaned. I had a dream about River. River Peterson was my crush from my old school back in seattle. He was such a hot jock type guy. "River?" I questioned groggily but when I opened my eyes it was Curtis. "How did you know?" he chuckled and I raised an eyebrow sitting up from the seat. Wow.

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