Long Road Ahead

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(This ain't gonna be really long)

Y/N's pov

I slashed through a Grimm before i fell onto it's side and began turning to ash, falling to one knee, i planted my sword in the ground and used it as a support while panting.

Saiyaka came out from behind a tree slightly scared but ran up to me to see if i was okay.

Me: Just... give me a moment

She nodded as my aura or whatever it's called healed up the cuts i got during the fight. This thing is a life saver

Standing up slowly i drew the sword from the ground before placing it back into it's sheathe. Taking the map out my back pocket i looked at it and tried to track where we are.

Me: This is going to take a couple more days

Saiyaka: I'm sorry...

I looked to her confused as i put the map back where it was before i took it out as she hung her head

Me: For what?

Saiyaka: I can't do much... and you have to walk slower because i'm with-

I poked her head with two fingers making her look up me as her ears slightly flattened against her head

Me: Listen, if i didn't want you to come with me then i would’ve left you alright? You’re not a nuisance, in fact i count myself lucky to have your company

Reaching down i ruffled her hair as a smile formed on her face, as i pulled my hand away she nodded slightly

Saiyaka: Really, you mean that?

Me: Of course i do. Now come on, daylight's burning


As we walked down the dirt trail i could see that Saiyaka was slowing down, looking back i saw she was trying her best but it was obvious she was tired.

Going over to her i crouched down as she looked away feeling guilty, i sighed before turning around while still crouching

Me: Get on my shoulders

Saiyaka: W-What? No, it's fine i can-

Me: I ain't having you keel over on me

Slowly she climbed onto my shoulders to i stood up quickly as she let out an “eep". I held onto one of her legs so she wouldn’t fall off easily.

I continued to walk forward as Saiyaka awed at how high she was now, glancing to my left i saw a Raven or Crow or whatever it was sitting on a branch.

Thinking that it was that woman from before i ignored it and turned my head away and continued down the dirt path.

Saiyaka: Y/N...

Me: What's up?

Saiyaka: ...Do you have a family?

Me: Hmm... nah, don't got one

Saiyaka: Really?

Well i do but they're over on earth so i guess i don't

Me: Yeah

Saiyaka: What's it like... not having one...

I guess she might be asking this since she lost hers only a day or two back at the least

Me: Well... i can't say i was lonely, since i had friends to keep me company. Then i met a girl, her name is Blake, she's a faunas like you and we just... kinda connected over our experiences

Saiyaka: She seems nice

Me: When we meet her you'll see she is nice

Saiyaka: We?

Me: Of course, i'm not just going to leave you once we get to the menagerie

I smiled as she seemed to freeze, a moment later i heard her sniffling so i brought her down from my shoulders as she tried to wipe her tears away

Me: Hey, what’s wrong? I didn't mean to upset you

Instead of responding Saiyaka hugged me as my eyes widened in shock, she cried into my chest so i just wrapped my arm around her in an attempt to comfort her

Saiyaka: Thank you...

Me: Heh... no problem


Saiyaka layed her head on my lap as the campfire crackled in front of us, she breathed lightly as she slept while i gazed into the fire.

?: Guess i was wrong about you...

I jumped slightly but it didn't really show, peering to my right i saw the woman from before sitting in a tree as she looked at me through her mask

Me: How so?

?: I though you had the potential to be strong... but here you are being weak and soft

She’s got a Darwinist mindset that’s for sure, i'm not bothered enough to deal with her

Me: I'm sure you had or have a family

?: I do... it was just a moment of weakness however

Me: Whether it's a moment or not it's still weakness if i'm following your mindset

?: What are you getting at?

Me: Caring for others isn't being weak, it's being human. It gives some a reason, a reason to fight or carry on even if it's just tor them... being detached from others doesn't make you strong or give you moral superiority, it just makes you lonely

She hopped down from the tree branch and glared at me as she gripped the sheathe of her sword tightly

?: You know nothing about me

Me: You're right... but the same applies to you. I don't know what you might have lost or what you've had to do but it's same both ways

She went to grab her sword as i reached behind me for mine until she sighed and moved her hand away

?: The next time we meet it won't end in a conversation

Me: Looking forward to it

She walked away as i sighed and looked down to see that Saiyaka was thankfully still asleep, i leaned back and against a tree

Things are only going to get harder from here... i hate this place

(Lemme know what you think)

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