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You turned the book to the page you were reading, what exactly was the book about? A young boy trapped in his nightmare, your parents, and sisters would have called you crazy for reading such a book, since it wasn't exactly the most normal book at the time, most of the books were made to inform, or for entertainment purposes, the other half of the books were romance novels. You couldn't read one of those without it leaving a bad taste in your mouth, they were all so cliché, and they seemed the same to you, all of them. At least the book you were reading was creative.

Your reading was interrupted by a knocking on your door, you turned to face it, mumbling a quick 'come in' before turning back to your book, the door opened only for you to see your older sister, Ria, she looked a bit more joyful then usual, Ria was always mad or annoyed at something, this confused you to the max, but you didn't question it since you didn't want to ruin her mood.

" what're you doing y/n? " she questioned, her eyes trailing down to the book in your lap, she rolled her eyes once she noticed what you were reading, you didn't even answer, and she was already annoyed, this is what you meant.

" reading a book, why? you never asked until now.. " you trailed off looking to the side, you had to choose your words carefully, you didn't want to make her mad, the slightest thing could tick her off, a drop of a pen could set her off like that.

As you spoke your question her joyful aura was back, she lit up at the question, " well,,, im in a good mood today! " she exclaimed, you tilted your head slightly at this. " why's that? did mom finally get rid of those white roses you hate? " you joked, though it was true that your sister hated them, she always thought they were too white, too plain, that's why she preferred red roses more, or any type of rose for that matter.

She rolled her her eyes playfully at your comment " sadly, no, but we did get an invite to the washington estate! there will be a ball in a week's time " she said almost dreamily, you raised your eyebrows in surprise, did you really get invited to one of the george washington's parties?

The washingtons were popular figures in your small town, you could even say they was royalty, everyone knew who they were, and everyone often praised them, what made them so popular was the head of the family, George Washington, he was an older man, he was one of the dictators of the town, but that wasn't what made him popular, it was when he had overthrown the old corrupted mayor, Fredrick, ever since then George Washington has been titled "an american hero".

" estas bromeando- " you quickly responded standing up, your book still in your hands, you could've dropped it right there if it wasn't so special to you. Your sister shook her head 'no' in response, Before you could reply your other younger sister, Mariana quickly shot down the idea of going " let me guess, you two are talking about the invite? " she let out a sarcastic laugh " there's no way mami would let us go with all those murders happening in every corner! "

Ria quickly turned to look at her, glaring, this made Mariana's sudden confidence to waver, she laughed nervously as her older sister stared her down, " how do you know mami won't let us go? have you asked? " you said suspiciously, putting your book down in the chair you were previously sitting in, your younger sister shook her head in response, " no, butttt- i already know she'll say no! just got ask ".

Ria scoffed " i will!- " she walked off in the direction of the kitchen, purposely shoving your younger sister in the process, before you two could process everything you both followed her down to the kitchen.

" mami! mami! " Ria practically whined as she walked in the kitchen, you and your younger sister weren't too far behind her. You could hear your mother sigh as she stopped making what you assumed was dinner, she turned around to face Ria, " que, ria? " she said trying not to sound annoyed, tho she completely failed, maybe it wasn't the right time to ask her.

" so,, we um, we got this invite from the washington estate, and- and- I was wondering if we could go? please? " your mother's eyebrows rose at the sound of the washington's name, her expression completely changed " the washington's invited us? " she said astounded by the news, Ria nodded quickly.

She gave you a slight nod before you left the scene, you were usually a quiet girl, you kept to yourself most of the time, and you didn't let your emotions show so much as you did now, but this event truly excited you, you were literally invited to one of the biggest hero's estate, how could you not be excited? Even if your family wasn't special, since the washingtons sent a letter to everyone in town, it still made you ecstatic.

You practically busted the door open, jostling your older sister, she looked at you slightly panicked, tho her tense body language gave itself out once she noticed it was you, " Serena! We got invited to the washington estate! There's going to be a ball, and everything- " just like everyone else, Serena seemed surprised at the news " cuando? " she questioned.

" it's this friday " you countered tempestuously, " mama will let us go, even with all this talk of murder at every corner? " she inquired, tilting her head slightly " yeah,,, she didn't really mention it, in fact she seemed really excited about it " your sister hummed in response.

You were about to say something, but your little sister interrupted you once again. " y/n! serena! we're shopping for new dresses tomorrow, and we're going to do it early, so mama said to get some sleep tonight, especially you y/n " you rolled your eyes, she wasn't wrong about you not getting sleep tho, endless nights were spent drawing, and reading, it's not like it was hard for you to sleep, you just got carried away in your activities.

" alright alright, well, i'm going into my room, don't bother me unless one of you are dying " you responded playfully before walking out of your sister's room swiftly, you found yourself in your own room within a minute, and you were back to reading your book, every page you turned the pretty pale blue sky turned into a messy masterpiece of purples, and oranges, you set down your book before walking over to your window, peering out of it.

This was your favorite time of the day, usually supper would be ready at this time, and the sky would always be vibrant colors that you could stare at for hours, your thoughts were interrupted by your mother calling out for you, and you sisters, you quickly turned, and rushed out the door, practically running down the stairs, you loved food, and since there were four of you, five if you counted your mother, you basically have to be the first there if you wanted something.

" what'd you make? " you called out to your mother, not even in the kitchen.

You stared at your drawing, head wresting on your palm, it was a woman, staring out her window, and into the sky longingly, this drawing wasn't revolutionary to your other ones, you've drawn similar things like this before. You looked at it for a few moments before deciding you would hang it up on your wall, with the other drawings you had.

You sat back down, once again resting your head in your palm, but this time you stared at your desk, you let out a long dramatic sigh, you would usually have something to do, yet for some strange reason you still didn't know about, you couldn't think of anything. You didn't want to read, and you didn't want to draw, so what could you do? You weren't tired, surprisingly, even if you were, you wouldn't want to sleep so early, it was only 12:23 am.

You let out a dramatic groan before deciding that you would in fact go to sleep, you did have to go shopping early anyway, you walked over to your closet, pulling out the most comfortable thing you could find, pants. Women didn't wear pants at this day and age, it was seen as whore-ish, and strange, only the men could wear pants. You obviously completely disagreed with the idea of women not wearing pants, if men could do it, why can't women? They were just a piece of fabric!

You slipped them on, along with a man's dress shirt, the clothing was way too big for you, but you didn't exactly mind, you liked the way baggy clothes felt, at least they weren't literally squeezing the air out of you, like most women's dresses.

You dove into your covers, burrying your head in one of them, you purred, hugging yourself.

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