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" did he touch you in any inappropriate way? did he hurt you? " the questions seemed to keep on coming, they wouldn't stop. What was happening exactly? well....the guards were questioning you after the whole incident since you seemed to be like the only person he interacted with, and you were the only one still here besides the guards themselves, and the staff members.

You shook your head no to both of the questions, they continued on with the questions, you answered honestly to all of them. once they we're done with all the questions you were sent home, with them taking you in a carriage of course, walking alone on this dark night, especially as a woman wasn't safe anymore, adding on with that man walking around freely.

Speaking of...you couldn't stop thinking about this man..you didn't like it but,,, you wanted to see him again, you couldn't stop yourself from being curious and intrigued with man, why did he choose to interact with you of all people? If he didn't want to kill you then why did he talk to you? Was he really interested with you? you felt ashamed for having these thoughts, but you couldn't stop them from coming.

Once you made it, you thanked the guard who accompanied you on your trip home, he of course nodded and stated " it was nothing " claiming it was his job and he was always happy to help a citizen get around safely. You walked to your front door, taking a deep breath before knocking on it once. That was enough to errupt some yells from the inside of the house, you could hear the shuffling of some feet, and what seemed to be your mom telling you sisters she would get the door. You could hear the carriage drive off.

The door opened suddenly, a gasp emitting from the culprit. Your mother immediately pulled you into a tight, bone crushing hug, you laughed nervously.

" oh y/n! my baby! i thought you were dead- I'm so glad you're here- rumors we're going around that you were the one who was shot, others said you were the one who was with the man and- oh im just so glad to see you here- and alive! serena! ria! marian- " you quickly cut your mother off.

" ma! ma! its ok- you don't need to call them over..im sure ria wouldn't like it if you interrupted her beauty rest " you stated pulling yourself away from your mother's arms, you let out an exhausted laugh before pulling you into the house, making sure to close and lock the door securely before she contined on. She followed closely behind you as you walked into your room, she wanted to make sure you we're safely put into bed.

you turned around to your mother, giving her a tight smile " ma, I'm fine, it's fine, I'm not a kid anymore you don't have to put me to bed- no one will get me, im sure of it.. " you told her reassuringly, she hesitated for a moment before letting out a sigh, she pulled you into another hug and kissed your forehead, you of course, hugged back tightly.

She left you to yourself after that, you closed your door, locking it, just like your mother did with the front door. It seemed as if everyone wanted to be extra secure this dark night, tho there was a valid reason to it.

You walked over to your desk, opening one of the drawers to acquire a match box, you closed the drawer before lighting the match carefully, you didn't want to burn your finger, of course. Once lit, you placed the match on the candle, the room was immediately painted with a sheer yellow from the now lit candle. You blew out the match before stretching a bit, you now noticed how uncomfortable the dress you had on was. You let out a tired groan before you started unlacing the back of the dress.

It was a struggle, but you got it, tho surely after doing this your whole life you would eventually get better at it..

After struggling more to get the rest of your dress off, you eventually got it, putting on the night gown you had gotten out from you closet from before you went to the ball, you knew you would probably be too tired to change clothes once you had gotten out out the ball, so you decide to set out the night gown as a reminder to change clothing so you wouldn't wake up with back cramps.

You sighed as you plopped down on your bed, digging your face into your pillow you settled down in your comfy bed, pulling the covers over yourself.


you stared ahead, you wanted to sleep, but you just couldn't. You didn't know what it was, if it was the event that happened earlier or insomnia, you didn't really care, you just wanted to close your eyes and call it a a night already. You groaned and pulled the covers up your face, sighing into them, you pulled them back down, glancing at your window.

there was a figure-

your eyes widened, you jumped out of your sheets, immediately sitting up, you blinked a few times as you did this, only after you blinked the third time the figure was gone just like that, you blinked a few more times, still jostled by the whole incident...maybe it was just your imagination, maybe it was just you being paranoid and acting crazy...right.

you let out another sigh, calming down while wrapping your covers around yourself like a shield. you wrapped your arms around your legs, resting your head on your knees, you closed your eyes, and just as you thought you were finally going to fall asleep-

there was a noise at the window.

Your eyes shot open, and your eyes immediately shot to the window, where you found yourself staring at a figure...

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