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" y/n! y/n! get your behind out of bed, and get ready! We're going shopping! " Ria called out to you from the bottom of the stairs. You let out a groan, you opened your eyes slowly, the sun immediately hitting them. A whine emitted from you, and you quickly covered yourself with your covers. You let out a sigh, knowing if you didn't get up soon, Ria would quite literally drag you out of bed. You threw the cover off, remembering to shield your eyes from the sun when you did so. Slowly, but surely you finally got out of your soft comfortable bed. You stretched your small body before slowly, and dramatically walking over to your closet to find some kind of dress that would be suitable for the public to not mock you.

You settled on a nice de-saturated blue dress, it had a floral pattern all over it, and translucent white fabric at the sleeves, it made sure to show the right amount of cleavage. You look in the mirror, happy with your look, you went on to fix your hair, you brushed your h/c hair, getting as much of the tangles out as possible. You decided to wear your hair down, it wasn't popular for women to wear their hair down, but you weren't one to care about social norm, in fact you were mostly against a lot of them, especially the ones towards women.

You looked in the mirror once again, looking at your finished look, you placed your hands on your hips, pleased with your look.

" Ria slow down! Mami said to stick together " mariana practically whined, you groaned as your sister basically ran to the dress shop, there was no way of stopping that girl, when she was excited at least. You glanced at Serena, she glanced back at you, giggling slightly at the sight of your sister, this made you smile.

You opened the door for both of your sisters before going into the store yourself, once you set foot in the store you were completely amazed, the dresses looked beautiful! You barely went to the dress shop, so just this sight amazed you. All three of you quickly spread out.

You felt like a princess with all these fancy dressed surrounding you, you wanted to spin, you were so amazed by all the designs, and patterns. They were all so beautiful, and unique. You eyed each dress carefully as you walked throught the store, as much as they were all so pretty, they didn't quite fit your style, if you even had one that is. You wanted something that was comfortable, yet still fancy, and eye-catching. You glanced around, tho you were quickly interrupted by your sister, Ria, yelling out that she had found a dress. You groaned at the sound, didn't they know manners? This was a public store after all.

You ignored it before going back to looking for a dress you liked. Soon enough, all your sister had found dresses, they all went to check out, and you were the only one left. You felt like an iv of blood, and your sisters were the ones trying to get some of it. They followed you around like mosquitos as you looked for a dress.

" maybe you should get this red one! it will certainly attract men ~ " Ria suggested as she grabbed one a red dress that showed quite a bit of cleavage. It was pretty, and all, but it didn't exactly fit your personality. It was too bold for you, and frankly you didn't like to get much attention, especially that kind of attention from men. You cringed slightly as you looked at how much cleavage it showed before looking at Ria. She rolled her eyes at your reaction.

" (y/n)! how about this dress? " your sister, mariana called out in another section of dresses, you looked at your two older sisters nervously before going off to find mariana. You spotted her surrounded by big poofy dresses, this made you more nervoud then you already were. You walked over to find her grabbing onto a big poofy pink dress with a bunch of jewels placed on the waste and all around the bottom of it. It was a pretty dress yeah, but like the red one, it wasn't your type.

You shook your head at your sister, she groaned at your response childishly, but what could you expect? she was only 18. " Oh Dios mío y/n! you're so picky with dresses! " You rolled your eyes at her comment before retreating back with your older sisters, mariana following you as you did so. Once you made it Serena quickly took your hand before you could register what was going on, she dragged you to another section of dresses in the back, you tilted your head confused at her actions before she took off a dress from the hanger.

You were amazed! It was a pretty de-saturated magenta dress, it had a streak of a darker de-saturated pink in the middle, there was a floral pattern over the bottom, and top. The fabric at the sleeves were a light see-through pink with small flower patterns all over it, you gasped at the sight of the dress.

" Serena! I knew I could count on you! thank you! " you quickly grabbed the dress out of her hands, you heard her giggle at your excitement before you went off to pay for the dress.

" Mami! we're back!! " mariana called out to your mom once she entered the house, you could practically hear the groan your mom made once she heard your sister.

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