Chapter 28

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Yuri walked straight to the changing room, eyes scanning for Nana and she clicked her tongue when she spotted Nana sitting on the bench as she ties her shoe lace. She dashed towards her, not minding the eyes starting to focus on her as she furiously heads straight towards Nana.

"Miss Nana, I need to talk to you", Yuri said as she looks down at her.

"Talk? About what?", Nana asked confusedly

"Don't act dumb. You want me to say it here. I'd be glad to expose you here Miss Nana. I am entirely outraged", Yuri said coldly.

Nana's eyes wander to look around, afraid that their conversation might be heard by other nurses in the changing room. She quickly got up and locked her locker before turning to look at Yuri. "Fine, let's talk"


"Sleeping pills really? Are you out of your mind? You are a licensed nurse. Misuse of drugs will definitely take you to jail"

Nana fidgets nervously as she watches Yuri standing in front of her, looking down at her with such furious eyes. She could feel her palms sweating, shuddering as she anxiously listens to Yuri revealing everything she has done.

"Are you that cheap? To use sleeping pills? You put them in Detective Jeon's drink, right? What were you thinking? Can you even think?", Yuri said furiously

"I didn't do anything"


"I admit, I did use sleeping pills but... I didn't do anything. I couldn't do anything because..." Nana's voice trailed off as she looks down at her sweaty palms

"Excuse me?", Yuri asked as she crossed her arms.

"I did plan to do something but... I didn't. I couldn't do it. I-"

"Don't waste my time Nana"

"Yes, it's true, my intention was to perhaps make him come back to me, but when he was asleep...Jungkook called out Dr Kim's name in his sleep. And that broke my heart...I mean, true I was selfish to make him come back to me, but I didn't realize he was in love with Dr Kim"

Nana sighs as she pressed her fingers on her sweaty forehead. "I couldn't do it. Not after hearing him saying Dr Kim's name in his sleep. I just couldn't—"

"You lost your chance Nana, you don't interfere with other people's live just because you missed your chance. Detective Jeon can press charges against you and watch me forcing him doing that because you need to be taught a lesson"

"Is... Dr Kim recovering well?"

"You care about her now? You almost got her killed just because of your dumb ignorance and your selfish reasons. Don't try to act kind in front of me Miss Kwon, I know you too well and I am not dumb. You can change, but don't expect me to be kind to you. You'll report to Dr Choi. She is waiting for you in her room", Yuri said as she stomped out of the meeting room.

Nana watched as Yuri slammed the door closed, leaving her alone in the meeting room. She couldn't believe her own stupidity, her selfishness and her idiocy. She groans as she runs her fingers through her hair, trying to calm herself knowing that she needs to see Dr Choi, her supervisor at the hospital.

She is doomed this time


Sora drums her finger on her arm as she waits for Yeri to get her all the letters addressed to her when she was on leave for 2 days. She couldn't wait to get back to work this morning that she woke up so early, feeling entirely excited to get her ass back to the hospital.

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