Chapter 30

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"Why are you day dreaming Dr Kim? You haven't see your handsome detective for 3 days and you are like this?" Yuri pokes Sora's waist before slumping into her chair after attending to her patients for hours.

"Shut up. I wasn't day dreaming", Sora rolled her eyes as she stretches her arm forward.

"Really? I was calling you a while ago, and you didn't even budge. You were spacing out. Come on, admit it. You miss him, don't you? God, just get married already", Yuri chuckles loudly as she crossed her legs, raising her eyebrows playfully.

"Oh stop it Yuri, don't make me shove all your chips down your throat"

"How many days has it been?", Yuri narrowed her eyebrows, running a finger on a jawline as she looks at Sora.

"How many days, what?"

"You both have been officially dating?"

"For the love of god, can you ask something else, Yuri? Really?", Sora sighs as she rolled her eyes

"Wait, today is Wednesday...that makes it 7 days! Congratulations. You haven't killed him yet", Yuri claps excitedly as she blinks teasingly

"You have been counting the days? Are you –"

"Wait, so this whole 7 days, did he stay over?", Yuri smirks as she looks at Sora playfully

"We are dating, not living together. Yuri, what is wrong with you?"

Yuri suddenly leans forward, gesturing Sora to comes closer to her. "But then you guys lived together for almost 2 months. Even Seokjin and me never lived together. So....have you....?"


"You know... since you guys are officially dating. You guys even slept together. I mean literally sleeping on the same bed for a few times. So have you both....?" Yuri raised her eyebrows, blinking her eyes expecting Sora to comprehend her vague words.

Sora tilts her head, looking extremely lost and confused, not understanding Yuri's questions. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh my god, you are indeed a snail! I am asking if you both have actually slept together? Is it too hard for you to understand? How did you pass your medical school!?", Yuri raised her voice subconsciously after realizing that Sora didn't even have a hint to her question

Sora's eye widened when she finally understood but she quickly covered Yuri's mouth as she looks at her door that is opened widely, making it possible for people to hear their conversation.

"Are you out of your mind!?", Sora said as she covered Yuri's mouth.

Yuri struggled to free herself as she pushed herself out of Sora's grasp, panting, trying to catch her breathe after not being able to breathe for a few seconds.

"You want to kill me?", Yuri said as she fixes her messy hair due to the commotion a while ago. "So, the answer is?"

Sora's mouth flung open as she looks at Yuri is disbelief. "Out of all possible questions, you asked about that? Good lord, is Seokjin really marrying you?"

"I want answers", Yuri scoffs jokingly.

Sora lets out sigh as she pinches the bridge of her nose, not knowing how to react to Yuri's blunt question. She blows her cheek as she turns to her table, ignoring Yuri whom has been staring at her, waiting for an answer.

"You haven't, right?", Yuri teases

"Oh my god! That's it. Yuri. Can you stop asking me about it?", Sora said as she glares at Yuri whom has been smirking at her.

It's Definitely You [ Jeon Jungkook] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now