Chapter 1: Ruby!

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          A blonde haired girl is shown walking beside an older blonde woman. The young blonde haired girl stops at a crosswalk. Everything goes silent when the older blonde woman pushes the girl into oncoming traffic. Moments later the blonde haired girl is shown falling back as she'd been thrown by the vehicle that hit her. She seems to fall back in slow motion.

'I learned at an early age... there's no such thing as a happy ending. True love doesn't exist. It's not because my own experiences brought me to this conclusion, it was of the experiences of those around me... or maybe... it was... from those who claimed to love me... My story is like every others, I guess. No family to really love me. Father died saving our country and mother refused to raise me because I reminded her too much of him and it hurt her too much. Heard she drank herself to death a few years later after giving me up. Not really like I blame her. It's a path I would have followed if I'd gotten old enough. Dying at fifteen though... Unbelievable. Foster Mom is a huge witch. Abused my up until now. Makes sense that she'd send me to my grave. But... sometimes I wonder... what if I had a different life? Would it be better?' The voice of the blonde haired girl says, 'At least, in an unforgiving world like this, I wouldn't want to have a different life. Maybe in a different world... I'd have a chance.' Light flashes as the girl is shown closing her eyes.

"Breath... should I take a deep?" Ruby is shown sitting alone on the clock tower as she stares out at the sunset. "Faith... should I take the leap?" Roxas is shown in his organization thirteen cloak with the hood up. "Taste... what a bittersweet!" The two are shown walking the opposite direction of one another before they are shown looking at one another from over their shoulders. "All my, all my life!" Axel is shown walking over to Roxas and putting his arm around his neck and pulls him away. "Let me face!" Ruby is shown looking away as she stood alone. "Let me face!" Light flashes and Ruby is shown running from Nobodies that suddenly attack. "Let me face my fears!" Roxas is shown looking down sadly as he was forced to follow orders. "Let me face! Let me face! Let me face my fears!" Light flashes and Ruby is shown laughing as she sits next to Roxas as the two talk. "Won't be long!" Light flashes and Ruby is shown standing with shock on her face as Roxas is shown standing in front of her. "Won't be long!" Light flashes and Ruby is shown crying as she stood alone. "I'm almost here!" Light flashes as Sora and Roxas are shown on separate screens before Roxas is shown fading away and Sora is shown alone. "Watch me cry all my tears!" Ruby is staring at the sky as it looked like doves fly around her. "Let me face!" Light flashes as Ruby is shown floating back as she reached up. "Let me face!" Roxas, Ruby, Xion and Axel are shown laughing together as Ruby and Roxas sat beside one another. "Let me face my fears!" Music continues to play as Ruby and Roxas are shown reuniting before Ruby is shown sitting alone as she stares at out the sky and the title is shown above her.

[Twilight Town]

After school, Ruby heads to her usual spot. She smiles as she notices her only true friend sitting there waiting. It'd been almost a year since she became friends with him and his weird friend.

"You made it." Ruby says.

"Hey, Ruby!" Roxas says as he looks at her.

"How are you today, Roxas?" Ruby asks.

"I'm doing good." Roxas says.

"Where's Axel?" Ruby asks.

"Late as usual." Roxas says.

"Late really?" Ruby says and Roxas nods, "Guess it's just us."

"Yeah, I guess so." Roxas says. The two laugh as they talk for a while. A red haired guy, who was their friend Axel finally arrives.

"You two are early." Axel says as he walks over.

"No, you're just late." Roxas says. Axel sits down and reveals the sea-salt ice cream that the group had been addicted to.

"Seriously, where is she?" Roxas asks.

"You mean Xion? Haven't seen her today." Ruby says.

"Hmm..." Roxas says.

This strange four person group began 255 days ago. Ruby, had been minding her own business one day after school and came to her favorite spot... The top of the clock tower. It was the only place she could think since she began to realize where it was that she was. She stops in her tracks when she reaches the top of the clock tower and finds a red haired guy sitting there with a blond haired guy. Ruby giggles as she walks over to them. She'd seen the red haired guy wandering about but she'd never seen the blond haired guy.

"Huh? Who are you?" Axel asks.

"Um... my name is Ruby... Why are you?" Ruby asks.

"Why are we what?" Axel asks.

"I normally come here to think." Ruby says.

"We don't mind sharing, do we Roxas?" Axel asks.

"Sure." Roxas says.

"Roxas? What kind of name is that?" Ruby asks as she sits down and opens up her book.

"My name is Axel." Axel says.

"Axel and Roxas. Got it." Ruby says.

"What's that book?" Roxas asks.

"A school book." Ruby says, "You guys go to school?"

"No." Roxas says.

"Lucky." Ruby says, "What do you do?"

"Uh... That's... really hard to answer."Axel says. It was strange for the three to become friends, mainly because Ruby mainly tuned them out. But she did hear some things, they worked for some mysterious organization. It was always just the two of them for some days as that's when she saw them Every once in a while. Roxas began talking more and slowly by slowly, Ruby also began to open up as well. She wondered if this was what it was like to have friends.    

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