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Instead of Yuta going over to see and comfort Sicheng, the two instead went over to talk to Doyoung about his girlfriend being pregnant. The poor boy was confused and scared, which was understandable since he was still in high school and didn't have a job.

The three sat in Doyoung' room trying to figure out what to do.

"I'm to young for a child," Doyoung Says for the millionth time. "I can barely raise myself."

"That's why you have your mom," Sicheng points out.

"So my mom should raise my child?"

"No, you should since you got her pregnant. Maybe she can give you lessons on how to be a good parent."

"But she'll just teach me how to be a mom. I'm not the mom."

"He's hopeless," Yuta says. "How'd you get a girlfriend in the first place?"

"My great charms and wit."

Yuta and Sicheng busted out laughing. Doyoung had no wits to speak of. He was a clueless boy who only knew cheesy pick up lines that scared girls off half the time. It was a miracle that he got with Mia. And an even bigger miracle that her brother Lucas didn't have a problem with it. Maybe it was because he was a bit of an idiot himself. But that was a discussion for another day.

"How about you just sit down and talk with Mia first before you decide anything major?" Sicheng suggests to his best friend knowing that the boy likes to act first and then think later.....if he even thinks later at all.

"Great," Doyoung Says grabing his coat and shoes. "I'll go talk to her now."

Before the couple could stop him to tell him to wait until tomorrow, the tall bunny boy was dashing out the house and practically running to see his girlfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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