Chapter 6

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I was only holding her hand for twenty minutes before the nurse came in with a concerned look on her face.

"Tris... We ran some tests on your blood and examined a few quick scans... " She said, finally looking up from her white clip board full of different papers.

I squeezed Tris' hand a little before looking down into her eyes. They looked so tired, yet she's been asleep for three months. They're still beautiful though. They always will be, no matter what.

The nurse continued her statement. "It seems as if... The bullet that hit you went in deeper than we had originally thought..."

All sorts of different thoughts fly through my head. What does that mean? Will she be alright? My thoughts are cut off when I feel Tris squeezing my hand tighter than I had squeezed hers. I look at her and I see tears welling up in her eyes, still looking at the nurse. Our future, her future, depends on what this nurse has to say in the next few minutes.

"The bullet traveled through your stomach and hit the muscles surrounding your pelvis. It didn't do much damage, but it did scratch some main muscles that normally aid in child bearing." She continued on, looking saddened by the news she's delivering.

My thumb started rubbing small circles onto Tris' palm. It always seemed to calm her down in times when she's stressed or anxious. But, I don't think it was working too well, because she's probably more than just stressed and anxious at this point.

"These muscles don't heal as quickly as others do, since they get most of their nutrients from temporary materials. I'm sorry to say, Miss Prior, but having a healthy pregnancy is very slim now." The nurse frowned when she finished her last sentence.

Immediately, I tensed up. I knew Tris was still very young, but her whole future just crumbled down in front of her and there's nothing she can do about it.

I leaned over and kissed her cheeks, then whispered by her ear "I love you, I will always love you."

I pulled back away, inches from her face, and saw her smile a little at my reassuring comment. But that didn't stop the tears from running down her cheeks.

I leaned back in and kissed her lips passionately, forgetting the nurse was still standing right beside us.

I closed my eyes after I saw Tris close hers and held the kiss for a few more seconds. I missed the warmth of her lips against mine and the happiness I would feel when our lips touched.

We only stopped because the nurse made a coughing sound, as if to say she was still there.

I stood up again and chuckled a little, looking back at Tris who was blushing like crazy.

"We can give you medicine to try to heal the muscle. But we won't know for sure if it'll ever completely heal, since it's a new pill we created." The nurse finished as she looked over from Tris to me.

"I just want to be able to have a child of my own one day. I'll do what it takes to get there." Tris responded softly to the nurse, who then nodded then walked out the doorway.

Tris wants to have kids one day. I wonder if she wants them with me or... My thought trails off as I hear someone calling my name.

"Tobias... Tobias...!" Tris is tugging on my hand to wake me from my own mind.

"Huh?" I look at her as she laughs. "What's so funny?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"You zoned out again." She continued to laugh softly, but I didn't mind. I guess that's one thing I love about her. She knows when to be serious and when to let go.

"Sorry... I was just... Thinking." I told her, not sure if I wanted to tell her exactly what I was thinking about.

"Oh. About what?" She looked up at me, still holding onto my hand. Her laugh faded completely, quickly replaced with concern.

Great, the question I was trying to avoid. "Nothing really, I just wanted  to make sure I'm not dreaming."

She chuckles and pinches my arm. Ouch! I wince and crinkle my nose.

"Looks like it's reality." She was still smiling at me.


So, I hope you're all enjoying the story so far. I understand that it is a little confusing at times or poorly written, but I'm trying my best to improve.

Please please please comment with opinions and thoughts! I really appreciate it!

And tell your friends to read this too! I'd be over joyed if I got 50 reads! That would be amazing!

Thank you all so much!

Live well, Laugh Much, Ship FourTris!

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