Chapter 10

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When we kissed each other on the edge of the train, I felt the sparks fly.

I never wanted it to stop, I never wanted her to leave my side again.

Her lips felt soft and warm against mine, filling my heart love and need.

A few moments later, I felt her pull away slightly. She opened her eyes right after I opened mine.

"Where are we going to live?" She asked me quietly. I could tell she's been thinking about this for a while, so I was careful with my answer.

"Wherever you want to go, I'll be right by your side." I said as I gently leaned my forehead against hers.

She smiled at me and we stayed silent for a little before she finally broke the silence.

"Well, we could go back to Dauntless, or even Abnegation." I tensed up a little bit after she said Abnegation. The thoughts of going back to the place where I was beaten and hurt and neglected filled my mind.

Tris must have noticed, because I felt her hands caress my head and her lips slowly met mine.

I relaxed a little and kissed her back. She knew I had a rough childhood at Abnegation.

"Dauntless it is." She smiled and I whispered to her ever so softly, "Thank you."

Not a minute later, Christina ran over and pulled Tris from my grasp. I sighed softly, but gave Tris a smile to tell her it was alright.

The two of them walked to the other end of the train car and talked quietly, so I couldn't hear.

I decided to walk over to Peter and Caleb and discuss what their plans were when we got back to Chicago.

"Hey guys." I said so they knew I was coming up behind them.

Caleb immediately turned around to face me, but quickly looked away. He knew I didn't necessarily like him anymore after what he did to Tris, but I couldn't hate him either because he was her brother.

"Hey Tobias." He said, his eyes looking down at the floor, his hands in his pockets.

"Hey Four!" Peter sounded drunk, but he was always like this since the day I injected him with memory serum. He was always so happy and free. Maybe a little too much so. But we all agreed that this Peter was much better than the old Peter.

"So, umm, I was just wondering... -" I was cut off before I could finish my thought. Christina came up from behind me and put a hand on my shoulder.

I turned my head and looked over at her. She was smiling like an idiot. I turned my entire body to face her and she motioned with her hand for me to bend over.

She was shorter than me, even shorter than Tris, so it was hard for her to whisper things into my ear without me bending over.

I nodded and bent over so she could tell me what she needed to.

"Tobias, Tris would like to discuss... Things with you." I was confused at first, to why she would need to keep it such a secret. Tris just wanted to talk to me. It's not like Caleb and Peter have never seen us talk before.

But I understood that some things are better kept secret just in case.

I walked over to Tris, who was looking out the back end of the train. The environment passed by us faster than ever before.

I coughed a little to warn her that I was behind her. She turned around and saw me standing there, making her smile a little.

I leaned against the back of the train and looked out the window with her. "So what's so secret that Christina had to whisper to me to come talk to you?" I asked her, curiously.

She looked up at me with a smile. "I was just thinking... Maybe..."


Longer chapter this time around.

Don't you just love when a story seems so happy and so perfect then all of a sudden...

The writer just throws a major road block into the story and ruins everything?

Let's just say... I'm going to bring in another antagonist soon... And you won't believe who it is.

Thanks for 100+ reads!!

Live Well, Laugh Much, Ship FourTris!

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