Chapter 16

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Silence is a powerful thing. It allows a person to think or to reflect.

But silence is rare at Dauntless.

So it came as a shock when the entire faction suddenly came to a silent halt.

No one was yelling or playing music or laughing or talking or running. The only thing you could hear was the water crashing against the rocks in the chasm.

My mother stared at me with intense eyes.

Tris stared at me with confused eyes.

I stood silence with empty eyes.

When I was a young boy, my mother told me that she was pregnant. Being an only child at the time, I was partly happy yet partly upset.

Abnegation laws are that I should be happy for anyone and anything. So I tried.

But then, she came to me a few months later and told me she lost the baby. I believed her. She was my mother. Why wouldn't I believe her?

Only a few months later, my father had her kicked out of Abnegation for "cheating" on him.

I didnt see my mother again for a long time. Year after year.

When I became of age, I switched factions to Dauntless.

My bond with my mother was just a sliver of hope in my heart.

Then here she is, telling me I have a brother.

Telling me that she really was pregnant.

Telling me she never lost the baby.

Telling me I had other family.

Happy? No. Sad? No. Angry? No.

I was confused. I never trusted my father. And now, apparently, I can't trust my mother either.

So whoever this "brother" of mine is, I need to find him. I need to know if I can trust him.

"Brother?" I whisper to my mother, seemingly hours after she told me. "Brother?!?" I scream before she can answer.

"Yes, your brother. I never lost that baby, Tobias. Your father exiled me before he was born." She answered calmly. Too calmly for me.

Tris was like a statue next to me. Still, speechless, confused...

"What's his name?" I asked my mom, firm and strong.

"Can we speak in private, son?"

"I AM NOT YOUR SON!" I took a deep breath, holding back the tears. I can't cry. Not here. Not now. Not in front of her.

"You lied to me! You left me with... HIM!"

"I... "

"What is his name, Evelyn?"

"His name is... "


A little longer chapter this time. Either that or I pushed the enter key too many times...

Well, how do you like it so far?

So much drama. Don't worry, it'll get happier soon.

But hey, what's FourTris without some action/drama?

Well, I'll update again later.

Live Well, Laugh Much, Ship FourTris!!!

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