three • mars

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"You're kidding me right," I said rolling my eyes at the pink haired annoyance that was griping about her new roommate.

"No! I'm not! You have no idea how infuriating this girl is Marceaus!  I was literally being so nice to her, and she was so unbelievably rude!  And all I said was that we should get to know each other," she blurted her hands waving in every direction, "and you know what this—this nightmare of a roommate says!?"

I gave her a look.

"Honestly Vera, I have a hard time believing that's all you said, we both know you're not here to make friends," I watched as she smacked her gum radiating pure anger off of her. 

If I was to say I hadn't expected something like this to happen to her on the first day, I'd be lying. 

Vera knows better than anyone how to properly fool someone into thinking her intentions are good.  The fact that this new girl could see right through that was extremely impressive; considering it took me months, and not to mention I was her actual "friend" when we were in grade school.

"Do not try to consult me again Marceaus, I'm here to weed out the competition, as you should be.  And mind you, I will use my strategies however I see fit," she huffed, crossing her arms as she leaned against the wall behind her.

"Mmm." Strategy, more like the massive act she puts on. But hey, whatever makes her happy.

The Gathering room we were in was just as pristine and huge as the rest of the academy.  It honestly looked like a ballroom with its high ceilings that draped chandeliers reflecting golden walls.  Flowers were everywhere, which was slightly odd, but it did make the room smell intensely of lavender. Filling the space all around stood new students waiting to be told what to do considering the assembly should be starting at any moment.

I looked down at my fingernails, picking slightly at a forming hangnail.  Vera and I stood near the entrance doors—which somehow looked just as expensive--if not more--as the rest of the room; with jewels that were scattered among the wood, bouncing prisms of colors and faint mini rainbows around the giant area.  I felt like I was underwater, watching sunlight shine through right before I break the surface. 

To say I was in awe, would be an understatement.  I had never even touched a jewel, let alone be surrounded by hundreds upon thousands—it felt beyond surreal... and slightly wasteful if I was honest with myself.

The room itself was buzzing, with hundreds of students conversing with each other.  Many first years stood to the side like Vera and I, not quite knowing where to go, or apparently what to wear either as I looked at an exceptionally overdressed Vera. 

"You really just couldn't wear a T-shirt, could you?" I said impassively, hiding my smirk as she rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"I'm sorry, would you rather me wear a cloak like my weirdo roommate, or maybe something so dreadfully bland it would make you want to scrape your eyes out?" she snapped angrily, setting her hands into a frenzy once again.

"Honestly yes, anything's better than a dreadfully bejeweled dress," I said deadpanning and stepping slightly to the left to avoid her slapping my shoulder.  I wasn't surprised she took it upon herself to dress formal, to be honest, I expected nothing less from Vera.  Sure, she was a hard ass ninety percent of the time, but ironically the girl loved glitter and the color pink as if she was as poised and proper as the duchess of France.   

"Firstly, this academy is pristine, and I match the room. But, fine, you want me to be boring like you?  For your information Marceaus, wearing monochrome black and unbuttoning the top button of your dress shirt doesn't make you look any less bland," she vexed throwing me an angry glare. I just shrugged; making her even more hotheaded as she tried to burn holes in my forehead. 

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