four • mercury

20 5 0

The assembly was shorter than I expected, though I could barely tune into what was being said due to how physically tired my body was.

Only really catching a small introduction from Mrs. Holloway: the instructor of the Extensive Fortunate History course, and a layout of what was to come for the next following week, I tried to listen as best as I could without somehow falling asleep while standing up.

I did find out that we would be getting our classes and group that we will be ranked among tomorrow morning. 

This was slightly alarming new information. 

I hadn't realized before that students would be separated based off of their skills. To be honest I naively thought we'd all be grouped together.

Being separated meant, depending on how well you did it throughout the course would decide whether you will move up or down a class, or get kicked out of the academy as a whole.

Kicked.  Out.

I didn't even know how the groups were being paired, so I couldn't scope out some sort of advantage either. 

All that I was left with was the prediction that if it was decided by power, I would probably be in one of the weaker ranking groups; considering my seren that I would be using was only light bending. 

There was definite strengths that I knew about, but to someone looking in from the outside, my seren seemed very un-extraordinary

Sure, I am the best choice for when you want someone to help you find something in the dark, but fighting bad guys though... uhhh...

Psychical ability's might also rank me in the lower groups.

Might my ass, it will rank me in the lower groups.

My only hope of being in the higher classes would probably be due to my "intellectual skill"—if you could even call it that.

I doubt intelligence is what it's decided by alone, but one can only hope.

I know that no matter what group I'll be placed in, it didn't mean I couldn't keep increasing my skills to rank higher.

So as long as I'm not in a group with the walking lightning rod, Bubblegum, or the infuriating guy I gave a bloody nose, I'm sure I can handle myself pretty well.

I looked around from the shadows I was hiding in surrounding the outside wall as Mrs. Holloway was finishing up.  But, I couldn't spot him through the throng of people surrounding me. 

Probably for the best that I wasn't anywhere near him, considering I'm sure I confused the living hell out of him when I turned invisible.

If--if the guy even could feel confused.  He was like a walking, barely talking, ice sculpture, I wasn't sure if he actually could even feel emotion due to the impassiveness that infuriatingly radiated off of him. 

I was a open book with my emotions and anger, he seemed like a book locked up, chained, and buried six feet under the ocean in a iron box. 

Not sure if that was the smartest call to turn invisible, but it certainly was much easier to just avoid the repercussions of my dumb decisions rather than deal with the aftermath head on.

I mean I punched the guy, punched!

One thing's for sure, I didn't regret hitting him... only slightly felt bad about making a scene. 

I couldn't help it though—really.

Something about him made me loose all sense of self control, even my enhancement seren was exhausting itself just being around him.

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