six • mars

19 4 1

note: marceaus: (i imagine him as someone like lorenzo zurzolo^) who is absolutely stunning in my opinion might i add, but feel free to imagine whomever you please—this is just a suggestion of how i imagine some of his traits <3  usually in books i don't always like who people cast so please please please if you don't like him let your imagination do the trick.  much love, happy reading!

It was very tempting to look over at the girl with steam coming out of her ears but somehow I resisted.  Despite the fact that I could sense her gaze on me as our instructor talked. 

He was an interesting man; God knows if that makes him a good teacher, but being employed here—in one of the 'greatest Fortunate schools to ever exist'—gave him a pretty good fighting chance.  

As hard as I tried to focus on what Mendoza was saying, my mind kept drifting back to Mercury.  I knew she was fuming, I could feel the heat following me even as I left her proximity; which was a miracle I mustered enough strength to step away. 

She was absolutely, positively, infuriating, but damn, she was very entertaining to make mad.  She seemed like a pot ready to boil over, simmering before I'd even arrived.  And for what ever reason, I felt the urge to get burned.

I looked over making eye contact once again, by her demeanor I knew she was still pissed off.  Leaning against the wall, she slipped straight into the shadows, most likely starring daggers at me disappearing slowly as I was very tempted to crack a smile. 

I doubt she expected our conversation to end so abruptly, but if I stayed there any longer I have no idea what would have played out, my head on a stake, or worse, another black eye. 

"What did you say to she-devil over there?" Vera whispered pointedly chewing on her bottom lip.  She tried to seem pissed at Mercury for telling her off on the first day, but I knew that Vera wouldn't give a rat's ass about anyone or their actions unless she wanted to be their friend. Deep, deep, deeeep down, (even though she won't ever admit it,) she really just wants a companion other than me, especially a female.

"You mean your delightful roommate?  We just couldn't stop talking about how great we both think you are."  Sarcasm dripped heavily from my voice making Vera's caramel chocolate eyes churn as she narrowed them into slits towards my tone.

"Okay smart ass, I'm serious, she seems even more pissed off than yesterday, and I didn't think that was humanly possible," she said drifting her gaze back to where Mercury was a few minutes ago.  I'm sure she was still there, watching, even if we couldn't see her.  I chuckled to myself at the same time as Vera huffed pink whispy bangs off her forehead.

"Oh trust me, she is definitely mad.  But I left before she could do any real damage."

"Wait, who are we talking about again?  Also what the heck happened to your pretty face Marc?" the second annoyance asked with with a grin.  I looked over at the blonde boy I've known since grade school and rolled my eyes.  Ivan was just as much as a handful as Vera, always acting stupid, never serious, and also seemingly lacked a filter.

"Why are you here again?" I asked as Vera snickered and lowly whispered to Ivan about my face.  When she pointed over to where Mercury was lurking in the shadows Ivan barked out a laugh.

"You got beat up by a giirrrlll," he said sounding like a child. 

He is a child though, so it does make sense.

"I got punched, there's a difference, stupid," I muttered already annoyed by his presence.

"By a girllll..."

When Mercury Met Mars (#1 Serendipity Series)Where stories live. Discover now