Chapter 16: Amaya Meets Kid Danger

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Henry's POV:

I wish I could explain to her that I'm not worried. I'm Kid Danger. But I can't . She is so worried about me. And so upset that I didn't listen to her. But I stand by my actions.

Amaya's POV:

Why did he have to do this. I should've just said I'd fight him. I'd win if i had to. I'm Hawkgirl. But he's just a regular guy. With an irregular Girlfriend. I need to cancel on Kid Danger later. I need to go to my place.


"Hi Amaya, I'm sorry I disappointed you. But I thought it was the right thing to do."

"No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you."

"You were just worried."

"I know. But I still shouldn't have yelled at you. Forgive me?"

"Of course."

"I'm not gonna be over later. I need time to think about everything going on in my life."

*kisses Henry on cheek*

*After school*


Hawkgirl: Hey Kid Danger. I'm sorry something came up. I can't come today. The woods people of Barrington need me.

Kid Danger: Maybe some other time.

Hawkgirl: Yeah..

Kid Danger: Bye

*climbs up mountain for Swellview sign*


I wonder how it went with Henry. Maybe I should text him. Nah. I don't want to know. But I do at thw same time. I wonder what Jason is gonna do to me in the morning after mom leaves.

*sings a song to herself that her real father sang to her when she was little*

"Dad if only we could see each other now."

*someone starts walking near her*

"You're a great singer."

"You heard that?"

"Yeah. You sound great."


*I look to see who it is.*

"Kid Danger."

"Hi. And you are?"


"Why are up here at the Swellview sign all by yourself?"

"Just thinking about stuff."

"Like what?"

"There's a lot. You'd probably laugh at me if I told you my boy troubles."

"Hit me with your best shot."

"It all started with my Ex Boyfriend Damian."

"Go on."

"When I was 14. He was the sweetest, Kindest, Cutest guy I ever knew. He was helpful. He helped old people and young people. People called us the perfect couple."

"What Changed?"

"Him. In June of this summer. He started being nasty. Saying derogatory things. Beating the Elderly with their own canes. Hitting me. He happened to have multiple girlfriends. He started treating us all like things. Of course I didn't know about them until after I broke up with him. One day him and his friends were making fun of me. I had never been so shamed in my life. They tried touching me where no girl wants to be touched. When they did touch me. I beat them all up. Including my boyfriend. I was never so angry in my life.And I said to him. We're over.

"That's intense."



"My family and I were already planning on leaving the city. So In the second week of July. We moved out. I was happy. I thought I would never have to face him again."

"You did have to face him again."


"I went back to school. I was at my locker one day. My locker wasn't opening. Stupid public school locks. Suddenly someone was coming near me and asked if I needed help. I said yes. Then my old boyfriend Punched me so hard. I fell on the ground. That's when I noticed that it was him."

"What Happened."

"There's this boy that I really like like. His name is Henry. He is the cutest boy I've ever seen. He is more than Damian ever was. I texted him a lot. Even during classes. I laughed at his dumb jokes. Smiled at his sweet texts. He was the best thing that happened to me in months. One day I found out that he liked me too."

"What happened to him."

"Yesterday. On social media he posted. That he wanted a one on one fight with Henry.  Convinced Henry to not fight him."

"So what happened?"

"You have to understand that more than half of his body weight is muscle. But anyway. We were talking near Henry's locker. Then he was yelling at Henry about how he better not be late for the fight. Henry said that he had no intention of fighting him. I was happy that Henry actually listened. But Damian my ex was delighted by this. And said so that means she's mine. You forfeit. Henry didn't respond. Damian grabbed me by the wrist. Forcibly it hurt. Then Henry said. Fine I'll fight you."

"He only did it because he cares about you."

"You're right. But I should've never put him in that position."

"You didn't do anything. It was all his decision."

"Can I have a hug. I'm just so scared"

Henry's POV:

I want to tell her that the fight didn't happen today because his mom picked him up early.

"Of course"

*hugs her*

I want to tell her I'm Kid Danger. I really do.

"It will be okay,"

I say trying to make her feel better.

"I'm scared about everything. I'm so weak."

"You're not weak. You just don't have enough support.  If you need to talk to me anytime just text me with your number to this code. I can support you. And I know I'm not the only one who will help you get through this."

"Thank you Kid Danger"

*hugs him.*

"I gotta go. Thank you."

*she leaves*

Good thing I can text as a code from my watch from my phone. Thanks to Charlotte and Schwaz.

*goes home.

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