Chapter 32: Gas or Fail Season 3 Episode 11

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Henry's POV:

"And remember Ray. You can't beep Amaya or I. We have that big test today."

"Got it." He says

* closes watch*

*goes downstairs*

"Ah! Amaya!" I yell not knowing that she would be there.

"Hi Henry. I brought you some notes for that big test today. Study as much as possible in homeroom." She says

"Yeah. I think I can handle it." I say

*she hands me a huge paper filled color coded binder*

What! I can't study all of this in one homeroom.

"Are we walking to school together?" I ask

"Yeah." She says

*I put the binder in my backpack*

"So how did that talk with Miss Shapen go?" She asks

"I told her that she got sent to jail." I reply

At School

"You guys ready for that huge test?"

"You bet! And so is Henry. I gave him everything I learned in every subject for the last 3 years." Says Amaya

"Go study!" She yells

*I run to class with huge binder*

"What is this?"

"All of Amaya's notes for the last 3 years. Apparently." I tell her

"You can look at them on the test. Just don't tell the other teachers. I want you all to do as well as possible." She says

Good grief.

At the beginning of first period

"Amaya. Charlotte. Sit in the front seats. You are my smartest students. Everyone don't you dare look or cheat off of their papers." She says as she pops her mouth

"Ew. What are you doing?" I ask disguised

"Winking." Miss Shapen says

"No you're not." Says Amaya

"I have weak eyelid muscles!" She yells

"Now don't cheat off their papers." She says as she pops her mouth again.

"You have got to stop doing that." I say

"Yeah! You look like a puffer fish!" Says Amaya

"Start the test!"

*suddenly Breaking News siren flashes*

"Continue the tests." She says

"What if it's important?" I ask

"Ugh! Fine!" She yells


"We have Breaking News."

"That's right Mary. There is a toxic gas leak under Swellview."

"But you'll be fine as long as the gas doesn't surface." Says Mary

"That's right Mary. What's this? The Gas is escaping as we speak. Everyone Evacuate Swellview."

Report ends

"We gotta go!" Yells Charlotte

"Not until I get my pay raise!" Yells Miss Shapen

"But there's lethal gas in the open!" Shouts Jasper

"Yeah." Says the class in entirety

"I don't care! Continue the test."

*45 or so minutes later*

*Watch beeps*

"Who's phone is that?" Yells Miss Shapen.

"Uh.. It's my pacemaker." Says Jasper

"*I thought you told Ray not to beep you*" says Charlotte

*Amaya's Watch beeps*

"Jasper!" Yells Miss Shapen

"I can't turn it off. Or I'll die!" He says quickly

"Fine! Get a less noisy one next time." She yells.

"It's time for our 5 minute break!" I say

"I'm not giving you a break."

"It's state relegated." I lie.


*Amaya and I exit*

*Amaya Texts Charlotte*

"What did you send?"

"I told her to tell Miss Shapen that I'm puking a lot." She replies

"Ew. Gross."

"Let's go." She says

"Let's blow a bubble and stop more trouble." I reply

*we blow bubbles*

*We run outside making sure no one is looking*

"Well what's your excuse?" She asks suddenly

"Schwaz said he made an emotionless Android that will act like me until I get back." I say

I hope this works out better than

Charlotte's POV:

Amaya texted me.

"Where is Amaya?" Asks Miss Shapen

"She's in the bathroom. Puking a lot." I say

"For the remainder of the test. Charlotte will wear this gas mask. Amaya was gonna. But I'm not allowed to force her out of the bathroom."

Henry's POV:

At The Gas Pipe

"Henry, you hold a rope. To keep the debris from falling in. I'll go in and fly Captian Man out." She says

"Okay." I say

Her plans are usually better than mine. Although sometimes I argue with her about her plan.

*a few minutes later they come up*

"Okay Let go of the Ropes." She says

*I let go of the Ropes*

*the debris fall and the place is barricaded*

"Good Job Henry, Amaya." Says Ray

"We better get back to class!" I say suddenly remembering that we had that big test.

*she flies with me to school because it's fastest*

*we sneak inside*

*we sneak in the classroom*

"*Amaya Distract her*"

"Miss Shapen? Can I finish my test?" She asks

"Amaya. You can't it's too late."

"Please reconsider."

*I sneak to the holographic projection. I take it away.*

*I sit and finish my test*

"Fine. You have 5 minutes."

*I hand her my test*

"Thank you Henry. Have a good day." Says Miss Shapen

*I walk to Junk N' Stuff*

Ray is considering let Amaya have a sorta Job like me here. She's coming today.

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