Chapter 21: The Big Amnesia

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Amaya's POV

*pulls tube of gum out of her pocket*

*reads it*

"Chew Gum. Blow bubble. Fight crime."

"If it's the 18th then.... Oh no! Gizmos competition! I neex to call Charlotte!"

*calls Charlotte*

*Charlotte answers*

"Charlotte! We have a huge problem! Gizmos competition in hour!"

"What? Relax its Spetember 18th not August 19th"

"Check the calendar!"


"Henry! What's going on where's my scream Machine!"

*I hear in the distance*

Henry is the boy that I have a crush on. I was at his house once.

"It's destroyed."

"Mine is still here"

*watch that I didn't know I had starts making noise*

"What's that?" Asks Charlotte


"I gotta get ready."

I should probably take off my costume.

*opens watch*

"Captian Man?"

"Hawkgirl? When did I give you a Whiz Watch?"

"I don't know. But how has almost a whole month passed and know one remembers it?"

"I don't know."

"And I found this tube of gum in my pocket."

*shows him*

"Did I give you that too?"

"Must've. What's it do?"

"You chew gum and blow bubble. Than your costume comes on."

"Well apparently I lost my powers in some battle. So I can't really be called Hawkgirl anymore."

"You lost your powers?!"

"Yeah the guy who framed me for the wildfires did it."

"And we don't know what he looks like."

"Yeah. Well I gotta go but. There's a robbery at the pet store. Can you handle it? Im in a car."

"Yeah I got it."

*closes flap on watch*

"So my name is Black Hawk huh?"

*blows bubble*

This is gonna be so weird with out my Hawkgirl costume. And wings

*jumps out of window*

"Shot." I forgot why I can't do that.

"Ow my arm"

"I'll deal with it later."

*runs with gizmo project*

*places it outside of Pet Store*

"Hey you! Drop the pets and money!"

"Oh no Captian Man and Kid Danger!"

"It's just me."

"Oh thank God!"

*keeps stealing*

"Put it down or we're gonna have to fight."

"You're a girl. You can't fight."

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