(Chapter 4) New place

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1st person
Tord POV:

I went to the kitchen of the base, going to the fridge. I put a few more raw steaks in here before I left, in case I wanted to get more.
I grabbed a bag that had two more in it then headed back to my office.

At the door I heard the sound of laughter from inside. I opened the door and saw (Y/n) spinning in my office chair at a very fast speed. They were laughing sorta loudly, someone would come to my office and see them, which wouldnt be good.

"I brought you the food you wanted" I said getting they're attention. They stopped laughing and slowed the chair down to a stop. They looked at me and smiled excitedly. They got up and went over to me.

Huh, they didnt seem very dizzy for someone who was spinning at a high speed.

"Gimme gimme gimme!" they bounced in place and reached for the bag. I held it out of they're reach. "You have to be quiter or someone will find you, ok?" I asked, moving the bag any time they jumped for it.

"Ok ok, just give it to me" they said impatiently still jumping for the bag. I gave it to them, they instantly ripped it open, and stared at the food, drooling.

(Y/n) POV:

I saw the food and drooled, it smelled and looked good. I went over to the side of the desk and sat down on the ground. I began to eat one of the steaks He gave me.

He went and sat in the chair behind the desk. I was facing away from him, but could feel Him look at me while I eat. I soon finished that steak and started eating the other one. I had just finished eating when suddenly i felt something touch my tail. I jumped in surprise and quickly pulled it away.

I turned around and saw that He had silently walked over to me and touched my tail.
"Dont y'know it rude to touch someone's tail without asking!?" I asked all flustered.

"No" He calmly said and went back to his chair. I huffed and looked at more stuff on His desk. I saw a wood triangle thingy that had "R.L." engraved on a gold plate.

"What's that?" I asked pointing at the thing. He looked up from his work, seeing what I was pointing at. "That's a name label." He stated, looking back at his work.

I looked at it then looked at him. "So your name is R.L.?" I asked tilting my head.

"Well not exactly, but it's what most people call me" He said.

"Ok" I looked over at the door that went somewhere I didnt know of. I went over to it "where does this go?" I asked touching the door.

"It goes to my personal quarters."
I went over and sat in a chair.
"Do these chairs spin too?"
"No, now will you stop asking questions?" He asked

"Fine." I huffed grumpily looking away from him.

{Time skip}

Time had passed by so slowly. I was so bored I felt like dying. I looked over at R.L. and he was just still doing work.

"I'm bored." I said plainly. He just sighed and continued working.
I got up and started poking him, asking questions like "what's your real name?" Or saying "I'm booored"

He did nothing but ignore me. I didnt stop being annoying, finnaly he reacted. "Would you stop being annoying!?" He asked looking at my (e/c) eyes. "I'm bored, so no." I stated.
He sighed in frustration.

"Go find a stick or something..." he sighed
"I'm not a dog!" I said annoyed
"You sure? Cause your acting like a bi-" he was cut off by someone opening the door.

R.L. looked surprised, and looked at the person who entered. I looked over at them. They were a male with brown hair, brown eyes, and had a stubble. He was wearing a green hoodie with a black over coat, some pants and black shoes.

"Edd, what the hell? You couldve knocked." R.L aksed the brown haired man known as edd.

Edd hadn't noticed me by the looks of it.
"Do I need permission to do everything?" Edd asked rolling his eyes. He then saw me. He looked shocked.

"Uh...Tord, what and who is that?" He said pointing and looking at me.

"So your names Tord. Was it really that hard to tell me?" I asked Tord, slightly annoyed.

He just sighed and let his head fall on the desk. I just shrugged then went over to this Edd person and sniffed him, he smelt like cola.

I looked at him and said, "I'm (Y/n), I'm half-dragon." He just looked at me then said "im edd nice to meet you, excuse me for a second" he smiled awkwardly. He went over to Tord grabbed his arm and went out the door.

Tord POV:

Edd dragged me outside my office, I knew he was going to ask me questions about (Y/n) and how I met them.

"When? How? Why? Where?" He said looking at me. It was just 4 words but I knew what he was asking, so I told him how, when, where I met (Y/n) and why I brought them here. I also included that I met them as a full dragon.

He was silent, I could tell he was processing everything I told him.
"Ok then" that's all he said, then he started asking questions, like "can they fly?" "how fast are they?"

"I dont know yet" I said heading back to the office, edd followed me. We inside and I saw (Y/n) trying to find something to do. "Edd why dont you go make friends with them?" I said getting an idea. If edd kept them occupied then they'd stop bothering me while i work and edd wont question me about them. Perfect I can kill 2 birds with one stone.

[1007 words
I have school so cant write more in this chapter]

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