(Chapter 5) Army?

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3rd person
No one POV:

Edd and (Y/n) were talking while Tord worked on paper work and leader things(idk).

"Would you chase a laser or a dot of light?" Edd asked with a mischievous smile.

"Psh, no. What do you think I am-" (Y/n) stopped as they saw a laser dot on the ground.

Edd had taken a laser pointer from his pocket and pointed it a few inches from (Y/n).

(Y/n) stared at the dot, then suddenly put their hand on it, but edd moved it away before they did. (Y/n) followed the laser with their eyes, it was now a few feet away. They waited a while before pouncing on it, which edd of course moved it away as the did.

This continued for a while, but then edd had the great idea to point the dot at tord. What could go wrong? Well (Y/n) went after it, running into tords chair and knocking it over.

"Faen!" Tord said as he fell with his chair.

(Y/n) then continued after the dot, while edd was laughing his butt off. (Y/n) stared at the dot which was high up on the wall.

Tord grumbled then set everything back then took the laser from edd.

"Whatcha gonna do confiscate all my stuff?" Edd said in a sarcastic voice.

"No, but I'll do this" Tord replied with a smirk. Edd looked at him curiously. Tord quickly got (Y/n) to see the laser, they followed it with their eyes. Tord then quickly put it on edds chair, (Y/n) instantly went after it knocking edd over.

"AH-" edd fell onto the floor with the chair while tord was laughing. (Y/n) simply realized what happened. Edd started laughing then go up.

Tord went over to (Y/n) "So your not a dog, but your a cat" he said in a teasing tone. (Y/n) just blushed from embarrassment.

Tord chuckled at their reaction. Edd had set the chair back up and looked at tord. "What are you going to do when the army finds out about them?"

"I'm working on that" tord said sitting at his desk again.

(Y/n) appeared by the desk "you have an army?"

Tord kinda jumped not realizing they were there. "Yes, it's the red army" he simply replied. (Y/n) just thought about this for a second "am I apart of it now?" They asked.

"If you want....." tord replied glancing at (Y/n)

"Well I'm gonna go" edd said and left.
It was silent after that.


"I'm hungry" (Y/n) randomly stated

"How much do you eat?" Tord asked trying to find out more about (Y/n) and their habits. (Y/n) just shrugged "I just eat whenever I'm hungry" they simply stated.

"Ok" tord sighed. He thought for a second then grabbed a phone and called some one.

"Bring me some raw steaks." Tord told whoever was on the other end of the call.

"Dont question it just do it." Tord then hung up the phone and looked at (Y/n) "your food is on it's way"
(Y/n) smiled and their tail wagged.

Tord smiled, but quickly stopped when there was a knock on the door. "Enter" tord said

The door opened and in walked in a male in a uniform of black boots, some pants, a red sweater and blue coat. He had lightish brown hair, big eyebrows, a eye with a scar and was smoking a cigarette. He was carrying a bag with the raw steaks.
"I dont see why you need raw steaks." He spoke in a deep, gruff voice.

(Y/n) saw the bag, and started drooling at the thought of food. They quickly ran over taking the bag and going to sit in the corner, cause you gotta protect your food.

The Thicc eyebrowed man just stood there, looked at (Y/n) then looked at tord. He had a look of 'WTF' on his face. Tord just looked at him with a smirk, while (Y/n) started eating the steaks.

Tord got up and went over to the man. "Pau that is (Y/n), they were living in the ruins we explored. I brought them here I will tell the army about them tomorrow." He said.

After a moment of silence "Yes sir." Pau replied.

"Good. Oh also inform Pat about them, but no one else." Tord said going back to his desk and waving for Pau to leave. Pau left the room as (Y/n) finished their steaks. They cleaned their face and went over to tord.

"So I'm gonna meet your army tomorrow?" (Y/n) asked tilting their head to the side.

"Yep." Tord replied looking at (Y/n), who looked a little nervous. He noticed this, "what? Is the scary dragon nervous to meet a bunch of soldiers?" He teased.

(Y/n) quickly replied, flustered "N-no"

"You sure?" Tord asked with a smirk

"Maybe" (Y/n) whispered using their wings to hide from tords teasing

(Y/n) could tell tord was smirking, even without looking at him.

"Well dont worry I'll be there and so will edd." He reassured. (Y/n) moved their wings and nodded "ok" they said.

{The next day}

(Y/n) was awoken by someone poking their face

"(Y/n) wake up, you have to get ready for today." A familiar Norwegian voice spoke.

(Y/n) groaned and rolled away from the Norwegian man. "You cant just roll away, you have to get up."

"Nu-uh" (Y/n) replied. Tord sighed, then came up with an idea "I guess I'll tell Pau he can give the steaks to our guard dogs then." (Y/n) instantly got up "dont so that" they said half asleep.

"Great now that your up, go get ready." Tord said with a smirk.

"I want food first" (Y/n) yawned. "Ok fine, but then you have to get ready" tord said grabbing the food he had already brought. He gave it to (Y/n) who ate it quickly.

"So where is a shower I can use?" (Y/n) asked as they stretched. "I'll show you" tord replied. He led (Y/n) to his bathroom.

"Wait what am I gonna wear?" (Y/n) asked looking at tord. "I'll get you something to wear" he said and left the bathroom, closing the door.

(Y/n) turned on the shower and waited for it to warm up. Tord came back and set the clothes on the counter and left (Y/n) to take a shower.

(Y/n) got undressed, but forgot to lock the door.

"Oh by the way-" tord stopped when they saw (Y/n). They looked at him then blushed and used their wings to cover themselves.

"T-tord!? Get out!" They yelled blushing madly.

"Cant I stay?" He said in a flirty tone with a smirk. (Y/n) went red.

"Get out!" They yelled again, and threw the closest thing they could reach, which was a shampoo bottle. He easily dodge it, he chuckled and left the bathroom. (Y/n) quickly locked it, then took a shower.

[1189 words
I would write more but I've got stuff to do]

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