Poor Naomi

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Naomi checked the time. Just ten more minutes before she could finally leave the house and get her Cherian. She expected a mouse, maybe an otter, but knew she was excited to finally find a purpose. A job, a chance to start fresh. Not that she didn't like her home, no that wasn't it, she just hated the elf lifestyle. 'Praise nature' and all that Jazz.

She sighed happily as she checked herself in the mirror again. Her bright yellow hair, which was starting to grow back to brown, stood out against her pale face and more simple elven clothes. She checked the time again, then decided to leave early. She didn't even know where she would be in line, let alone how traffic would be. Well, if they had cars. More like how crowded the paths would be. If only nature invented technology.

She made it to The Summoning in about 6 minutes, knowing this only because she timed it. She stood in line and was put in the second row. She smiled at the guards sorting them, then walked to her spot. She lived in the calmer side of town, knowing she was lucky she wasn't unfortunate like some others. She had seen clips of kids being pushed around, even knocked into dirty streets because people didn't like the rules.

How could someone not like rules? Naomi shrugged, standing in line with her head held up higher, her posture almost too perfect. She waited patiently for her name, taking note of each animal given, one girl even getting a unicorn. Imagine! A mythical creature as your Cherian. Although, not as impressive as other Cherians. Who was she to judge though? She hasn't even gotten hers. Naomi tapped her feet impatiently as the line moved slowly, too slow for Naomi's timeline.

"Naomi Adams, please come receive your Cherian." Naomi stood up, walking up to the podium. She shook the high elves hand, and grabbed the goblet. She took a small sip, and felt herself launched out of her body.

"Hello Naomi. Welcome to the Room. Before I give you your Cherian, promise me you won't freak out ok?" Naomi felt like she nodded, and was plunged back into her body. She heard a terrifying growl, as a guard approached her. She looked down at her feet, to see a splotchy furred black and white cat. She let out a blood curdling scream, and fainted.

She woke up panting, as if she had just had a nightmare. Naomi looked around, half expecting to see her own bedroom. Unfortunately she didn't see her pastel walls. She saw big metal walls, with one window that showed she was very high up. She was in a metal bed with uncomfortable sheets, like in a hospital. On the end of her bed was a black and white cat, who was looking at her curiously.

She screamed again, making the cat jump. What looked to be a nurse ran in, a look of worry on her face.

"What's wrong dear?"

"C-cat- Not-"

The nurse chuckled, patting the cats head gently.

"Dear, this is your cherian. You're one of the chosen."

And with that, Naomi passed out again. She was terrified of cats, no matter the size. 

539 Words

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