Sidney Meets Her Match

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   "Hmm?-" Sidney yawned as her twin brother shook her awake with a scowl on his face.

"Get up. It's December 31. It's the day." Spencer said, as he got up and threw Sidney her favorite yellow shirt and black skinny jeans, which landed on the bed next to her.

He had already gotten dressed, in his uniform for school. Didn't he know it was cancelled today? She rolled out of bed, narrowly missing the top of the bunk bed with her head. Her feet hit the cold floor as she shoved spencer out of their room so she could change. She locked the door, then turned and grabbed her clothes and changed.

She took a deep breath as she looked in the mirror. Her artificially purple hair hung over her green eyes, which looked tired and sad. She sighed and grabbed a black hair tie, pulling her hair up into a messy bun.

After staring at herself for another moment, letting the disappointment in herself fade, she unlocked the door and opened it.

"Well look who's ready for our big day." Spencer smiled, giving her a gentle side hug.

"Yeah whatever. At least I don't look like I'm ready for prep school." She smiled, pulling away and stretching. Their mom and dad had already left for work.

"So will they be there for The Summoning or no?" Sidney grabbed a bowl and some Reese's Flakes, looking to Spencer.

He shook his head solemnly, his silvery blue hair falling over his eyes. She nodded quietly and poured herself a bowl, eating the cereal dry.

Spencer and Sidney chatted, walking down their long dirt driveway to The Summoning. Sidney was talking, but didn't quite know what she was saying. Her head was in a different place.

What animal would she get? What animal would Spencer get? He already practiced magic, what if he got a cat? She would never see him again, ever. She sighed, shaking her head a little, as if to clear it. She smiled at her brother.

"Crazy isn't it? 13 years old and they force us to come and receive an animal, possibly fight in wars. This could decide our career, how we die, who we marry, whether or not we see each other again. What if we never see each other Spence? I can't lose you."

Spencer stopped at her words, turning to face her. She stopped and looked at him, then down. He hugged her tightly, and whispered,

"You won't lose me. No matter what happens today we will stick together. Understand?"


Sidney coughed as dirt was kicked up, the center of town crawling with soldiers and other kids who turned 13 that year. She stood in line, waiting to be moved to her spot in the girls section. She looked to her left, seeing Spencer being shoved around by his friends, all standing together in the boys section. She felt herself get pushed out of someone's way.

She had blanked out for a moment. She shook her head and went to her line, standing with an emotionless face towards the announcement stand. She heard a microphone blare as it was turned on maybe five minutes later. It had begun.

Sidney felt her heart racing as she heard the girl next to her get called up.

"Abigail Lee, please come summon your Cherian." Sidney had to keep herself from shaking, watching the girl, Abby, walk up to the pedestal greet the mayor.

He handed her a goblet, and she took the fate sealing sip. There was a moment where she froze, her eyes glazing over. Suddenly a raccoon appeared by her feet, a spark of lighting flashing as it did. The girl grinned picking it up as it sniffed her.

"Abigail Lee, I present your Cherian. May you live up to your full potential, with him as a fearless guide."

The girl smiled, and walked off to see her parents. "Sidney Carr, please come summon your Cherian."

Sidney nodded slowly, walking up as if by magic. She felt her feet hitting the steps up to the pedestal, then her voice greeting the mayor. Her hand lifted itself to shake his hand, then take a sip from the goblet. She felt a cold liquid hitting her lips, it tasted like cherries, then oranges. She suddenly felt her conscience ripped from her body as she transported to the Sorter.

She looked around as the setting changed to a dark room, a bright white light in front of her. She heard a loud voice suddenly fill the room.

"Ah Sidney. I've been very excited to tell you who I've chosen for you. My dear girl, do not prove me wrong. Fate is in your hands now. Good luck, I will be watching.

Sidney coughed as she felt herself go back to her body, suddenly hearing a confused, "Mrrrow?" From her feet.

She heard a loud gasp fall over the crowd as her heart stopped. She looked down, and saw one of the 4 Cats of Prophecy. Her eyes widened, as the cat head butted her leg. She heard the mayor clear his throat, stopping the murmurs from the crowd.

"Sidney- Sidney Carr. I present you, your Cherian. May you live up.. Up to your full potential, with him as your fearless guide." She looked out to the boys half of the crowd, seeing Spencer looking pale.

She felt someone grab her arm, pulling her to a different portion of the stage. The cat followed, swishing his little fish tail as he walked. Suddenly, she felt herself start to fall, the world going dark.

She shot up, feeling a needle in her arm. She gasped for air, hearing a loud "Mraoww!" As her cat fell off the hospital esque bed.

She looked around, trying to find Spencer. As she tried to stand, she heard an alarm ring, a nurse quickly running in afterwards and sitting her down.

"Sweetie you need to sit. Do you remember anything?" Sidney nodded slowly. "I got a cat, one of the prophecy."

The nurse nodded. "Your brother is here, in the visitor area of the ship. I can get him now, although the cat may not-" The nurse was cut short by Sidney's sudden, and unshaken voice.

"Bring him in. Now."

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