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Na : Manik I'm pregnant....

Ma : breaking the hug Wha.. T.... He couldn't express his happiness Mai... I... I'm going to be a Fa... Father.... Touching her tummy..... Nandini hugging her tightly thank you... Thank you so much for this happiness..... I love you Jaan... I love you so so much
He kissed her passionately

Na : Manik...... I promise you... I'll give you all that you deserve... I know that you.....

Ma : Shh!! Putting fingure on her lips Jaan..... I wonder what I did to deserve your love......

Na : Manik hugges him tightly


4 months later

Na : Huff what he thinks of himself.... She was grumpily walking and didn't notice that the floor was wet.... Her leg slipped and she was about to fall when Manik caught her hugged her tightly...

Ma : Nandini... Are... Are you... Okay

Na : Ma... Mani.... She fainted in his arms

Ma : Nandini....... He called the doctor

Doc : look Mr Malhotra... She's not having proper food and she's weak... Please make sure that she eats properly..... Else it will affect both the mother and daughter....

Ma : I'll make sure.... As soon as doctor left Manik went to the kitchen Kumarrr kumar he was angry... Angry bull

Ku : Ye.. Yes sir...

Ma : Did Jaan eat anything.... From morning..... And no lies or I'll dig your grave right now and right here

Ku : Vo... Si.. Sir madam was An...angry and.... Told... Ordered us not to enter her room.....

Ma : Bring her food right now..... He rushed to their room Mad woman... What she thinks of her self..... This... She's will do all this and I'll allow her to keep that stupid karvachaut thing!!!

Actually they had a bad argument over keeping karvachaut fast.
Once he was entering the room... The next sight shocked him.... Nandini was trying her best to walk probably to the door but her weakness wasn't allowing her and she was about to fall on her stomach...

Na : Manikkkk Manik held her hand tightly and made her sit on the bed Thank...

Ma : roaring in anger and spitting fire Are you mad!!! Can't you understand that you are hurting yourself and the child with this god damn immaturity of your......

Na : I...

Ma : What.... You have any excuse ready for this nonsense..... Had I been not here...... Do you realize what have had happened!!! He was crying and sitting on his knees in front of her Why... Why don't you understand that... I... I can't take any chances this time.. I....

Na : I understand Man..

Ma : no... Still crying No you don't understand What I felt when I saw you lying unconscious on the bed or... When you were about fall..... I thought I'll loose my Jaan and my child again... Please.... Nandini... I beg..... Don't snach my... Happiness again..... I have seen death of my child and.... My love in front of my eyes...... But....if it happens again.... This time...... I.....won't survive...... I love you way too much Nandini...I... I just can't live without you..... If I loose you and my child this... This time I'll die.... I'll..... Before he could speak anything Nandini smooches him slowly...... It indeed cooled him..

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