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No one's pov

Rain poured down, pounding on windows as the strong wind blew it into objects. While the rain poured down, 3 villains sat at a bar, one holding a small purple haired child who slept peacefully against her father's chest.

"Was it really a good idea to bring that thing here?" a young blue haired boy with a decapitated glove which had been sealed into a glove asked, staring at the purple haired child. "Now now Shigaraki. She could have a strong quirk that could help us in battle" a masked man explained, looking at the blue haired boy.

Shigaraki said nothing to that and just took a sip from his cup, both pinkie fingers sticking out so he wouldn't turn the cup into dust. The small child opened her eyes, revealing bright yellow eyes as she gave a yawn before sticking her hand into her mouth.

The man holding her who's head was completely made of mist removed her hand from her mouth as she reached up to him happily. The man put her down on the bar counter as she looked around. She reached out to the cup that Shigaraki had previously been drinking from and touched it.

A cloud of mist surrounded it before the cup vanashied. It reappeared above Shigaraki, the cup and its contents falling onto his head. The cup slipped off, falling on the floor and smashing while the boy's npue hair was dripping with the brown liquid that had occupied the inside of his cup.

"You little brat!" he snapped, standing up and knocking the barstool that he had been sitting on to the floor. The yellow eyed male scooped the child who had a frightened look on her face.

"Shigaraki, calm down. Kurogiri, take Mino somewhere else for now" the masked man ordered. Kurogiri took the child to his room, placing her in her cot. "What was that about?" he asked. Mino gave a smile up at her father, clapping her hands together which made mist appear around her hands.

"So you've got your quirk now. Good for you. Your a little star" Kurogiri complemented her as she laughed.


Mino's pov

I sat in my room, looking at the book in my hands when the most surrounded it and it ended up disappearing. "Ugh. Why does my quirk always do that" I groaned. There was a knock on my door. "Come in" I called, swirling my chair around to face the door.

My dad opened and closed my door, holding a bag in one hand. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "No. I just came to give you something" he told me, putting the bag on my desk. I raised an eyebrow and looked in it. There was two boxes in the bag which I took out.

I opened one of the boxes to see a metal choker. "It's a choker" I stated, feeling confused. "It will help control your quirk" dad told me. I put it on, clicking it shut around my neck. Once I had done that, I opened the second box to find a shiny purple phone.

I looked it over happily and noticed ongravings on the back. I looked closer and read what it said. 'To Mino, with Love, Dad'. I looked up and gave him a hug. "Thank you" I told him as he pet my head.

Others don't define your future(A Fumikage Tokoyami x oc Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now