Chapter 5

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Its my birthday so here's some art and a chapter

Mino's pov

I opened my eyes, my head pounding pretty bad. I sat up, looking around for any sign that could tell me where I was. From the single bag IV drip attached to my arm, I guessed I was in a hospital. But I didn't remember getting injured. So what happened.

I found my phone on the cabinet next to the hospital bed and took it, turning the screen on to see if I had anything. There was a message from dad. 'Where are you?'

I bit my lip. I wasn't getting out of this one. Shigaraki was going to be really mad at me. I knew he was. I wasn't going to fair well against him. He frequently threatened me with being disintegrated and this would probably be no exception.

Then I remembered the attack. Police and heroes would be trying to hunt them down. I knew where they were. What if it comes out that I know where they are. Will I have to make the choice on whether I want to betray them or stick by them. What if I do have to choose? I'm not a villain. I'm not. I'm going to be a hero. But I don't want to loose my only family. Dad's the only family I've ever had.

Its not like I knew who my mother was. He never mentioned anything about a partner or who my mother could be and if I ever asked then he would avoid the subject. I'd be all alone on the streets if I ratted them out.

My head had a slight sting in it again, the sound of three people laughing filled my ear only for it to fade away soon after. I shook my head. Must have just been my imagination.

The door to the hospital room opened. I turned and saw Tokoyami walk in. He turned to me and seemed surprised. "Mino, you woke up" he states. "Yeah. I actually just woke up" I explain, pulling on one of my fingers. He looks me over.

"Do you know when I'll be let out? I have a few things I need to do" I explain. He shakes his head. "I'll go ask" he adds, leaving the room. I sigh. I'm going to be in huge trouble when I get home. I wasn't looking forward to that

Others don't define your future(A Fumikage Tokoyami x oc Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now