Chapter 11: Journey to the Southern Sea

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The land of Dawn...

Tigreal walking to the Hall while Eudora was hiding near to the tower to approach Tigreal, when Tigreal nearly to her, Eudora grabbed Tigreal come to the empty room.

"Hey! Let me go!". Tigreal said when he grabbed by Eudora.

"Shhhh! Shut up! It's me Eudora." Eudora whispered after they entered the room then she closed the door.

"Eudora! What are you doing?". Loud whisper of Tigreal.

"Can we talk? About to the king's planned." -(Eudora).

"Eudora, please I haven't time for it." -(Tigreal).

"Let me speak first for only in a few minutes." -(Eudora).

"For what? To the Kings planned? We can't stop him, you know that Eudora." -(Tigreal).

"I know, I know. But that's not good to us. Is this King's crazy? I thought that he was a great hero but he seems like a killer, because of his planning." -(Eudora).

"Yeah, me too, I'm also concerned about it. *Cough*... One day I suddenly came to him to say that his planning is very wrong and very danger, but he tried to hurt me. I don't know what can I do. I think he's almost crazy." -(Tigreal).

"Do you have any idea?". -(Eudora).



In the Mahar Pura kingdom...

"Sshhhhhoooowwwww." Big sounds of teleporting to the front of the chosen heroes. Then someone appears with very glowing while the chosen heroes covering their faces. And then...

"Nothing lasts forever, we can change the future." Alucard was emerge, he is not now the 'Demon Hunter', he called now the Child of the fall, because his skin is not a legendary but he reach his epic skin due to he finished his challenge from the king Minsitthar.

"Wait, is that you Alu?". Said Claude

"Alucard?". -(Dexter).

"Alu?". -(Gusion).

"Wait, Alucard? Wh- what...". Miya said then she staring at Alucard.

"Miya? Is there any problem?". -(Alucard).

"Ah, uh.. no, nothing *smile* ummm... What happened to you after king Minsitthar take you?". -(Miya).

"He take me to the battle arena to challenge me with a thousand monsters and buffs, I'm almost injured after I've done this." Alucards explained.

"Really? A thousand of buffs? Are you serious? That's only a buffs." -(Gusion).

"No, they are not only a buffs, they are a powerful monsters." -(Alucard).

"Ohh! I think it's hard! Alucard is really a best Farmer! Woohoo! *Clapping*..." -(Dexter).

Then lately, Minsitthar was appeared.

"Legends of dawn." -(Minsitthar).

"Oh, king Minsithar." -(Miya).

"I'm willing to deal with you and to the land of dawn because I seen that all of you was the great and powerful legends, now! Before you leave, I will give you some extra emblems." -(Minsitthar).

Then, king Minsitthar gave them also an additional emblems before they leave the kingdom of Mahar Pura. Now they will proceeding to go in the southern seas.

Minsitthar gave them an flying monsters to travel using it. In a few hours that they are riding in the monsters, they are now nearly to the south, but lately they have heard something roaring near them.

"What's that sound?". Said Miya then she take her bow.

"Wait... Shhhhh..". Alucard said then he put his sword.

The monsters that they riding go down to get off them because the monsters were afraid.

"What are they doing?". Gusion said while they're get down by the flying monsters.

"I think they are full of fear." -(Claude).

After the flying monsters left them, some evil monsters approaching. THE MONSTERS OF ABYSS. But the dark heroes is not there, only the abyss monsters.

"What?! I think they are the monsters of dark abyss.". Miya shocked.

"They are the evil monsters of abyss." Gusion said when he ready his magic blades.

"Dexter catch!". When Claude throw the magic gun of Dexter to it.

"Hiya!". -(Miya).

"Break the limits!". -(Gusion).

The monsters is not exhausting. Dexter have been thrown by one of the monsters, Claude fell his Magic gun while the blades of Gusion caught by the monsters. Alucard constantly attack the monsters, when he throw his magic sword like boomerang, there's some glowing emerge and only the hand and fingers of it was showing that catch his sword then this glowing thing threw the Alucard's sword to the monsters, and after this, all monsters were dead and killed by this glowing lady. And who is this glowing things.

"What-- w-was -that?" Miya whispered while she is on the grass and losing consciousness.

"Miya? Miya! ... Miya!". Alucards shouting at Miya then he came to it to take her.

Then, Miya was closed her eyes.

"Mission unaccomplished". -(Miya).

To be continued...

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