Dares and Deals

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Information: A game of dares between the boys begins and ends with a deal.

Warnings: none

3rd person POV:

It was Sunday evening, and the boys had just finished the dinner Mikey and Rye had cooked them all.

Jack was washing up, together with Andy, as the other boys were all spread around the living room, most of them on the couch.

'Guys, I reckon it's time for a good old game of dares.' Jack says with a grin, while he dries his hands on the towel, signifying that he was done with the dishes.

'I'm so down!' Brook exclaims, standing up from the couch.

'I don't know,' Rye says, not looking up from his phone. 

'Yeah, I'm with Rye on this one. I really don't want us to make a mess, we've spent the whole day cleaning the garden and the living room.' Mikey says.

'You know what, you're all a bunch of party poopers.' Brook disappointedly exclaims. 'I'll clean up then, if that's really the problem.'

Andy giggles. 'Yeah, like that's going to happen. No boys, I'm out as well, there's a new documentary online on environmental pollution.'

'So.. you get to choose between spending some quality time with your mates, and watching us  kill the earth in video form, how is that even supposed to be a dilemma?' Brook desperately tries.

'Brook, Mate, I don't think it's gonna happen today.' Jack says, chuckling.

'Okay, I'll make yous all a deal. You play a game of dares with Jack and me, and I'll take Biscuit to the vets tomorrow.'

There was an immediate shift in the room. To the boys, there was absolutely nothing worse they could be doing with their afternoon than taking their dog to the vets, and it also happened to be the only free afternoon the boys would be having for a while. 

On top of that, the vets is in London, which would be at least another hour on public transport. Everyone had been stalling the discussion of who would take Biscuit to his appointment, but now that Brook had proposed it, the rest of the boys would get some well-deserved rest, with Brook out of the house as well. Don't get me wrong, the boys loved Brook, but sometimes he could be a lot to deal with.

'Wow. Brook mate, I didn't even know anyone could be this excited for a round of dares.' Andy says, wondering why this means so much to him.

Rye sighs, finally looking up from his phone. 'I'm in on one condition.' He says. Brook's face lits up immediately. 

'Okay, go on.' 

'If we make any mess, Mikey and I are free of cleaning duty.' Rye says, Mikey nodding. 'Yeah, I second that.' Mikey says.

'Oi wait.' Andy huffs. 'Where am I in this little plan of yours?'

'Nah mate, you aren't in. Rye and I've cleaned most of the garden and living room, and we cooked as well.'

'Fine then, I'll be in my room.' Andy says, clearly annoyed. He wasn't usually the type to be very active in the arrangement of group activities, and needed lots of persuasion.

'Okay, that's his choice. Everyone else in then?' Jack asks, as he sits down on the couch.

Andy's POV:

I walk upstairs to my room, slightly annoyed at Mike for not involving me. That was not the reason I decided not to participate though. There is something about me that no one, except for Alex knows about me. He somehow figured it on the first time we all went to dinner, which is worrying, as I thought I hid it quite well.

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