Bell Test

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"You're Late!" Sakura and Naruto shouted in unison.
"Heheh, sorry I got lost on the path of life." I said as I scratched the back of my neck.
"Stop lying onēsan!" Naruto shouted.
"It's sensei when we are in a squad, not onēsan." I scolded him.
"Anyways, I will now explain the rules of this survival excersize. I have two bells here, if you manage to get one from me then you are fit to be genin. If you don't get one, it's back to the Academy for you." I explained.
"But if there's only two then one of us will go back no matter what!" Sakura looked worried.
"I don't care. When I was your age I was already an ANBU, toughen up kiddo's." I provoked them. Of course, the point of the exercise is to see if they can work as a team or not but I can't exactly give away free answers.
"You May Begin when I say go." As soon as I said that, Naruto charged at me with a kunai and killing intent.
"Good, you have killing intent but I never said go. Okay 3, 2, 1, Go!" I shouted and all of them concealed themselves in the bushes. Well everyone except Naruto. "Fight me one on one sis, you're going down!" He pointed at me. I easily dodged all of his attacks and his clones. So he can already use Shadow Clones huh, Where did he learn that? I thought and he took that opportunity to throw a Shuriken at me but I easily moved out of the way, speed is the thing I'm most proud of anyways. It ended with me electrocuting him with simple Lightning Release, it wasn't even a Jutsu but it was enough to make him stutter and fall in a trap.
"Cya later Naruto-kun!" I waved at him and he got really pissed.
"Now for the fangirl..." I thought out loud. This will be easy. All I did was appear behind her then put her in a genjutsu. (Kotoatsukami
Just Joking). And last but not least was Sasuke. I found him easily and we had a small taijutsu fight, then I disappeared underground.
Where did she go? She's not above me, behind me, in front of me, to the left or to the right! Sasuke thought.
"Headhunter Jutsu!" I shouted as I grabbed his ankle from underground and pulled him down.
"Whelp, times up. Let's go back to see the others." I sighed and undid the Jutsu. When I got back Naruto was trying to eat the lunch so I tied him up against the log.
"I'm taking a small break, Sasuke and Sakura can both have lunch but if you dare try and give naruto some then you all fail! We will have another attempt after lunch, your teamwork is terrible." I muttered before flickering off.
"Here." Sasuke sighed as he gave Naruto some of his lunch.
"We can't have you fighting on an empty stomach, now eat up." Sakura continued.
"You guys..." Naruto smiles and started eating their food. I guess it's time to reappear.
"YOU BROKE THE RULES AND WILL NOW PAY THE PRICE!" I shouted as Thunder appeared behind me. They said some crap about being one as a team but I didn't listen because the Thunder was so goddamn loud. "YOU..... Pass." I gave them a close-eyed smile.
"EH? You scared me sensei!" Sakura whined.
"Yeah sorry about that. Missions will start tomorrow but don't be expecting anything good, you're only genin." I apologised as I placed my hand over the KIA Stone.
"Woah, what's that? Cool!" Naruto shouted, oblivious to what the stone is.
"This stone has the name of heroes on it Naruto." I sighed.
"I want to be on there too!" Naruto shouted.
"Naruto, those are people who died fighting for Konoha..." Sakura mumbled. Naruto was now quite depressed.
"Let me tell you this as a tip for shinobi life. Those who break the rules are scum, that is true. But those who abandon their friends are worse than scum, that was what a certain ANBU member I was once in a team with told me. I have many friends and comrades who have died as ninja. Some people from my old teams, even some family." I sighed.
"Eh? Who are our parents?" Naruto asked.
"You will find out when the time's right Naruto." I said. He really is dense to have not figured out already that he is Minato and Kushina's son.
"You are dismissed!" I exclaimed and then everyone except Naruto walked off. "Let's go home Naruto." I sighed and then put him on my back.
"I don't need piggy-back rides from you anymore onēchan!" He blushed.
"Just let me do it this once, it's been years since I last saw you. You were so small and scrawny. Not much has really changed..." I mumbled the last part.
"What did you say?" Naruto asked.
"Nothing, lets go home." I said and then carried him back to the apartment. It really is a big difference from the Uchiha Compound but it's still better than living in the wild like me and Jiraiya-sensei have done for the last 4 years.
"Hey sis, tell me some story's about your training!" Naruto asked.
"Alright, I will start from the beginning. It was two days after I left the village, I was in a hot springs and guess what?" I said.
"What?" Naruto asked.
"It's a rhetorical question you Baka. Anyways, I noticed a pervy old guy peeking in me so I decided to hit him with a Water Release Jutsu. As it turns out, that man was Jiraiya, the legendary toad sage and sannin. I begged him to train me in my Fuinjutsu and Senjutsu, which he eventually agreed to." I finished.
"Well that's enough for one night, get to bed for now." I ordered and he immediately fell asleep. He probably doesn't even know what Fuinjutsu or Senjutsu is... I thought. There's one last thing I want to check on.
"Sharingan." I whispered so that I wouldn't wake him up and then entered his subconsciousness to find Kurama, the Ninetails.
"Hmm? You're the brat's sister aren't you, how did you get that horrible Sharingan?" Kurama grunted.
"None of your business, how's Naruto been while I was gone?" I asked.
"Why should I tell you?" He asked. I mean he does have a point. I should probably show Kurama who's boss. Next some chains came out from my back and restrained Kurama. "Adamantine Sealing Chains? The last time I saw that was when I killed your mother." Kurama grinned, that comment made me quite pissed so I tightened the chains.
"Don't you dare speak about my mother. Answer the question, how has Naruto been?" I asked coldly.
"Fine, Just Release these chains." I did as he said.
"He's been alright to be honest. He moved to this apartment with the help of the 3rd and didn't face any problems financially. He wanted the attention of the villagers so he would often pull pranks and got into trouble a lot for it. He was hated by the villagers and they even began harming him." Kurama said.
"Thanks for being honest Kurama, I owe you one." I sighed before deactivating my Sharingan to exit his subconscious. I guess I should get some rest too.

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