[ File 2: Reinald Augustus ]

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"Mr. Augustus, if you keep up an attitude like this, we will not hesitate to transfer you to class E. You do understand, right? Mr. Augustus? Or do I need to translate it to English?"


*Tch. "Fine, from tomorrow onwards, you'll be spending the rest of your highschool years in the mountains! I hope you are satisfied, Mr. Augustus. Don't blame me for this, the only person you can blame is yourself."


"Huh? Alright, you're excused. Get out."

Without another word, he left. Augustus walked down the seemingly damp hallway, his head hung low as whispers of the students surround.

"Man, can you believe this? Augustus is finally getting transferred to E-class."

"Haha! Serves him rightーI always knew his snotty attitude would bite him back in the ass one day!"

"Just another rich kid who came in through the back door!-hehe."

"Aw~ What a shame, I thought he was really cute."

"Tch. Whatever, he's just an American rich kid."

The kids avoided him like a plague, sneering at him with disgust and and contempt.

Walking in the classroom, Augustus was met with stares all around. Unlike before, no one tried to come up and talk to him. Now that his reputation dropped so low.

"Alright everyone! Time to get to your seats, it's about time for class. God knows some of us needs it."
"It is so nice to meet you! My name is Aguri Yukimura, I'll be your new teacher from now on. You may call me, Yukimura-sensei!" Augustus smiled at the cheerful teacher, bowing in respect.

"It is an honor to meet you, Yukimura-sensei. My name is Reinald Augustus, I will be in your care from now on."

"Wow~ So you're a real foreigner, huh? You're hair is so shiny!"

"Ahm. Thank you, Yukimura-sensei. AhーYou also..have shiny..hair. And a unique choice of fashion too."

"Really? I think it's pretty cute! The other students don't have much of a filter, but I'm so glad you do!"

Augustus deadpanned. "Ah. Really? I should feel flattered then."

"Come on! It's time to meet your new classmates." Augustus followed after Yukimura, observing the old wood and structure of the building.

"Good morning class! Today's a new day and you all have a new classmate, isn't he just the cutest!!" Yukimura unconsciously ruffled his head of blonde, "Oh, it's also really soft too!" Augustus gave her a weary smile, taking some steps away.

Turning toward the class, Augustus gave them a bow. "It is a pleasure to meet you all, new classmates. My name is Reinald Augustus, I have transferred here from class 2-D, main building. I am in your care from now on, class E. I hope we get along."

"Cool! A foreigner, this my first time seeing one!" Am I like some sort of rare figurine?

"Wow! Blond hair, green? Gray? Eyes! So handsomeーtoo bad he isn't one for the books." Hey, it's not like that..

"Heard he was some sort of rich foreign kid." Well..it is true.

"Alright! Stop it, Augustus isn't some sort of exhibit, he's going to be one of your classmates. So, treat him well!" Yukimura turned towards Augustus, "Sorry young man, go ahead and take your seat! It's right behind Okuda, the cute girl with glasses and braids!"

"Of course, Yukimura-sensei."
"Hey Reinald! Ah, sorry. Was that rude of me? Are you alright with me calling you Reinald? Or would you rather call me Augustus?" Augustus looked at the boy beside him.

"You seem fluent in English, may I know your name?"

"Ahaha~You're too nice. My name is Kichiro Ryoichi! I've spent some time in America, also." Ryoichi fanned his face, embarrassed. "Anyways, are you fine with me calling you Reinald?" Augustus smiled. "I don't particularly mind all that much."

"So you do mind..." Ryoichi shrugged. "Well, whatever. Let's be friends, Reinald Augustus! You and Me."
"Hey, Reinald?"


"Do you, like, believe in in reincarnation?"

"No, not in particular."

"Okay..what about incarnation?"

"No? Why are you suddenly asking?"

"Oh, it's nothing! I'm just curiousーthat's all! You see, I bought some novels from the public library and they just so happen to be about reincarnation or something."

"Don't think to much of those, their just novels."

"Of course! I knew that, they're just novels." Yet, it happened to me, big brother.

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