[ File 10: Visit to the rich's home ]

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Pale blond lashes fluttered open, revealing a pair of misty green eyes. Augustus sat up, his blond hair falling over his face.

His face was contorted into one of exhaustion and pain. listening to the eracticly beating of his heart until it became normal.

Pulling the covers off, he sat at the edge of his bed and started unbuttoning his sleep wear. His boney pale hands smoothly glided over the buttons, revealing more of his smooth chest that were not clear of scars.

The scars.

Augustus traced over them with his finger.

They were almost invisible.

An empty smile adorned his lips before quickly disappearing.

Augustus stood up, the silk clothe fall off his shoulders and onto the bed. His upper body was all exposed, revealing his slender body, abdomen, and perfect mermaid line.

Pulling his pants off he walked towards his bathroom and proceeded to take a shower.

A middle aged woman dressed in a victorian style, came in right after Augustus left his room, dressed in the proper Kunugigoaka school uniform.

The woman picked his sleep wear and put them in a basket nearby. Fixed his bed and tidied up the rest of his things efficiently.

Taking the basket with her, she headed out right after and towards the laundry room.

Augustus walked down the stairs with grace, the few servants passing him bowed in curtisy before going back to what they were doing.

Walking to the dining hall, he took a seat in the extravagant long table. With his chair being the only seat.

Augustus ate by himself, all alone.

The sounds of his utensils clacking against the plate echoing in the silent room.

It wasn't long before he got up to leave. Leaving a half eaten plate on the table and servant who quickly appeared to clean up.

Just as the car was about to drive away, his side of the window was knocked on. The window slid down, revealing an anxious looking man.

"M-Mr. Augustus, please forgive me for my incompetence!" Augustus quirked his head. "Mr. Augustus, the meeting was rescheduled to today!"


Nagisa sat at his desk, leisurely talking about the new information he gathered on Koro-sensei with Sugino and Karma.

They're conversation drifted to an awkward silence. Sugino was the first to speak up, "H-Hey, it can't just be me right? But I think there's something wrong with the mood today."

Karma tilted his head. "What's so wrong about the mood? I think it's pretty appropriate for a situation like ours."

Nagisa clenched his notebook tighter. "Y-Yeah. But..." He took a hesitant glance back at the black haired boy sitting at the back, alone.

The two followed his line of sight, Sugino let out a sigh, slumping forward in his seat. "Damn it. What happened to him? Yesterday he was doing just fine.." Sugino grumbled under his breath, halfheartedly glaring at Kichiro.

Karma leaned against the seat he took from Kayano, his red hair falling over his eyes as his face showed no expression. His mind going back to what he heard in the alley.

"Gossip isn't really my thing, but..." Nagisa and Sugino brought their attention back to Karma. Curiosity spilling out of their face.

Karma shrugged, "Never mind. Why don't you go and ask him yourself?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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