[ File 5: A plan involves a blender]

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Holding the anti-sensei bullet to his face, Ryoichi turned towards Augustus.

"Rei, do you think it's possible to crush these pallets into powder?" Augustus turned towards Ryoichi, a look of doubt. "Are you actually going to try and assassinate him?" Ryoichi shrugged.

"Why not? It is what were supposed to do. Plus the reward will be worth it! Don't you also want it?"

Augustus looked down. "I couldn't care less about the reward."

"Well, you could at least help me with it." Augustus picked up his pen and started doodling in his notebook. "Why don't you use a blender?" Augustus carelessly threw out a thought, not expecting Ryoichi to actually take it.

"Okay." Augustus stopped his pen, whipping his head over towards the other. "..You know I wasn't serious, right? It was a joke." Ryoichi smiled.

"Well it was a good and bad joke. It gave me an idea, but it didn't make me laugh." Augustus threw him a quick glare. "Right, you have a blender at home?" Augustus shrugged, going back to doodling. "I don't know. Besides, why are you asking me? Don't you have a blender at home yourself?"

"You kidding? My mom would be pissed if she knew I used the blender for that." Ryoichi grimaced. "Then don't let her know."

"What? No, dude. I can't hide something like that from my mom. I can't lie to her either." Augustus glanced at him. "But aren't you doing that now? You know, the yellow octopus, state secrets. Learning assassination. Oh she'd be so heartbroken at the thought." Ryoichi stumbled over his words, growing more flustered by the second.

"Ack!ーWhy are we even questioning me? Do you have a blender or not!" Augustus rose a brow. "We? You questioned youself?"

"That's not the point, focus on the blender!"

"I don't know." Augustus leaned in his seat, still scribbling.

"How do you not know? Haven't you everー"''Whatever, I'm  not gonna let you use my blender. Let's just go and buy one!" Augustus whipped out his phone in frustration, frantically clicking his screen.

"What? Why did you take out your phone?" Augustus deadpanned at him, "Ever heard of online shopping?"


Meanwhile, the class were nervously trying to ignore the pair as they insistently kept hearing the word 'blender' from the two.

"This one looks nice."

"It's used. Plus, there's no blade."

"Oh, how about this one? My mom would like this one."

"We're not buying blenders for you mom, we're buying it to kill someone."

"Jeez, you could have at least worded that better."

"Can't we just ask Mr. Karasuma? I'm sure he already has a pack of it."

"Oh! That blender looks nice."

"...hm. It does."

"Let's buy this one than!"


"3 day delivery!?"


"Let's just go to the store like normal people."



Augustus took a bag of white powder out of his bag, discreetly handing it over to Ryoichi.

"We look so suspicious right now." Ryoichi couldn't help but mutter, a goofy grin on his face.

Augustus grinned, "Hurry up, the others could be here any moment." Ryoichi nodded, quickly taking the zip lock bag. Walking over to the entrance of the classroom, Ryoichi took a pinch of the powder and softly sprinkled it over the wooden floor. Taking some more pinches, he repeat this several time.

"Alright! That's enough. Go and put some over there." Augustus walked over, pointing towards the teacher's podium.


Nagisa stopped at the entrance of the classroom. Hearing the muffler voices of Augustus and Ryoichi. Hesitantly he opened the door.

Nagisa was stupefied, stunned he stared at the two male students.

The two stared at Nagisa, looking like two door caught in a headlight. "Good morning Nagisa-san. I hope we haven't ruined your day, yet." Augustus quickly recovered, getting up from his crouching position.

"Uh..G-good morning, Rei. You guys are here earlier than usual." Ryoichi bursted out laughing, leaning over and clutching his stomach. Nagisa and Augustus looked over at him, "What do you find so funny, Kichiro?" Ryoichi doubled over in laughter, leaning on Augustus and slapped his shoulders.

Augustus face darkened in annoyance. Nagisa took a step back, trying to keep a safe distance away from the two.

"H-Hey! Nagisa, want to get in with our plan? H-Here! Take this!" Ryoichi shoved the bag of white powder into Nagisa's hand, "Hurry up and come in." Pulling Nagisa into the classroom, Ryoichi resumed his previous work while Augustus explained the plan to him.

"So you guys used a blender to ground the bb pallets into powder." Augustus nodded.

"Yeah. I said it as a joke at first, but it was stupid of me to think that Kichiro would just brush it off." Nagisa looked down at the white powder. "You guys know this looks really suspicious, right?" Augustus shrugged walking back to his seat, "That's what Kichiro said."

"What'cha got there, Nagisa?" Sugino leaned against the door way, looking at the bag of white powder in his hand with a pointing look. Nagisa jumped up in surprise, "Ah, Sugino. Good morning, Kichiro and Reinald were just..."

By the time Sugino came along, Ryoichi was already done with his part, so he went back to his seat. Leisurely talking with Augustus, and vice versa, looking innocent and guilt free. Like they didn't just cake the room in anti-sensei powder.

Nagisa looked at the suspicious two, then Sugino, Then the bag in his hand. Realization hit him. Nagisa ripped his gaze away from the two and towards sugino. Waving his hand around anxiously, Nagisa quickly tried to explain. "Sugino, it's not what it looks like! You seeー" Nagisa held the bag to Sugino's face. "I-it's just bb pallets that Rei and Kichiro grounded. It's anti-sensei powder!" Nagisa frantically explained, pointing to the two students who were innocently conversing with each other.

"Anti-sensei powder? How'd they get that?" Sugino walked over, taking the bag from Nagisa's hand. "Well, you remembered how yesterday, they kept muttering so thing about a blender?" Sugino looked up in disbelief, "You're kidding. They blended the bb pallets?" Nagisa nodded. Simultaneously, they both turned their heads towards the two students who were leisurely talking about.


Augustus and Ryoichi oddly stayed silent, putting the class slightly on edge.

The two waited patiently for their octopus teacher to enter through the doors, anxiety slowly crept up to Augustus and Ryoichi. Twisting the pen around his fingers, Augustus tried to distract himself. Ryoichi layed his head on his arms, secretly admiring Augustus closely.

"Uh, heyーNagisa, did something happen between those two?" Sugino lowered his voice into a whisper, leaning closer to Nagisa. "They're really quiet today..Well, not like they aren't quite, it's just that...they not talking like they usually do! It feels a bit off." Nagisa took a quick glance at the two before turning his attention back to Sugino.

"Well, I don't know. But I have a hunch it has something to do with thisー" He took out the zip lock that contained the suspicious white powder. Sugino sweatdropped, "Yeah..they're probably gonna try and kill that thing today."


Augustus watched intensely at the door, seeing the familiar yellow tentacle.

As if in slow motion, Ryoichi and Augustus watches at the octopus teacher walked into the class. Seeing that his tentacles popped, they turned towards each other, hands out for a low five.

The whole class turned towards them, a look of disbelief and shock written all over their faces. Even the octopus looked a little off edge.


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