Quidditch World Cup

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Hedda's POV

I disapparated from the burrow with Bill, Charlie and Percy. We arrived in front of the tent when I saw someone not very familiar. I recognised him from the Quidditch match last season. He was Hufflepuff's seeker and captain. His name begins with C. Corey, Casey, Callum, no why am I guessing his name? Everyone was shouting his name when he was zooming after the snitch back at the school. But I really forgot the name. I stopped there by the tent, staring at that boy. He was at least 6 feet tall, his skin was pale and his cheek was rosy. His smile was mesmerizing. I couldn't help but stare at him. 

"Hed... Hedda," Harry called me, waking me up from my daydream.

"Cedric, Meet Hedda," Harry introduced me to the boy. 

Right! his name was Cedric Diggory, Hufflepuff's most prominent guy! Not only he was the captain and seeker of Hufflepuff's Quidditch team, but he was also known for his straight O O.W.Ls. 

"Your sister, huh? Hello, I'm Cedric," He said. I didn't really know but he only mentions his first name and I internally gasped, too quick for a first name basis weren't we?

"HeddaAgathaPotter," I rambled.

"Breath, say it slowly," Harry whispered into my ears and chuckled. "Remember you said you want to take a break from every name list that has Quidditch behind their last names,"  He smirked.

"Huh, come again?" Cedric said, still grabbing my hand.

"Hedda Agatha Potter. And please don't call me Agatha," I said after inhaling most of the oxygen in the air.

"There's no way I'll call you Potter number two, it's too long," Cedric smiled, his smile is the sweetest. Merlin, Hedda! Stop fangirling over other team's seeker when your brother was also a seeker.

"Hedda, it's Hedda for everyone," I grinned awkwardly. "Nice to meet you, Ced. Come to watch with us?" I asked.

"I guess that wouldn't kill me to sit with someone like you," He grinned. I could hear Fred and George wolf-whistling behind me. "Hey, Dad, I'll sit with them," Cedric said to Amos Diggory who was in the midst of talking with Ludo Bagman, the Minister of Wizarding Sports. 

That day, I immediately crossed out the pledge to avoid falling for anyone from Hogwarts Quidditch Teams. Cedric would be an exception. Because he is NOT a Slytherin, he's handsome, tall and also kind. There was one time during my second year, a Slytherin seeker, Terrence Higgs, tried to hit on me. He was a year younger than Percy and Wood. He tried to seduce me at any cause. I already said I don't want to but he was determined to do so. I had to hex him into oblivion for a good few weeks. Long story short, I tried all I could to reject him. 


The match ended up pretty curious with Irish team winning but the Bulgarian team ended up catching the Snitch. We walked back to the tent and had quite a bit of taunting on Ron and his amazing infatuation over Viktor Krum, the Bulgarian Seeker with good looks. To be really honest, I would come upon liking Krum as well. Cedric sent me paper cranes over and over and I think that was cute. there were piles beside my bed filled with paper cranes we had been exchanging the whole night. 

"So, Diggory is it?" Fred asked as soon as he realised I was deconstructing the paper crane to find another cartoon illustrations of us drawn by Cedric moving around the paper.

"Fred," I whined. "It wasn't the time for me to move on. I mean, I was still recovering," I shrugged as Fred chuckled.

"He's better than Wood, I guess," George grinned. "He kept you company. And for any other reasons, that smile we've lost for all summer, he brought it back," He continued and hugged me tightly. 

"Look at you, smiling all day with him around. I think it was worth a try, with that boy," Fred added.

"It wouldn't hurt, Hed," Ginny said, laying beside me.

"Huh?" I looked at her.

"Giving Cedric a chance to get to know you," Ginny grinned playfully. Soon after this talk, an explosion was heard around the camp. Everyone thought it was from one of Fred and George's inventions they sold to a kid back at the stadium.

"What was that?" I asked as I ran to Harry, hugging his waist. My voice was shaking. 

"Remember, Whatever happened to me, you run with Ginny and the others, leave me," Harry said hugging me back.

"No," I shook my head. "I lost mum and dad. And I'm not risking my life to leave you behind and lose you."

"Guys, stay together!" Mr Weasley shouted. "Fred, George! Harry, Ron, Hedda, Hermione and Ginny are your responsibility," He commanded. "Bill, Charlie, Percy, you lot are going with me to find out what happened."

"You keep the underaged together," Charlie said firmly to the twins.

"Ginny, 'Mione, hold my hand," George said, grabbing Ginny's hand in his left hand and Hermione's on his right. The three then ran to the forest.

"Hedda," Fred shouted as he tried reaching my hand and grasped it with all his life. 

We ran together before a dark cloaked woman with bushy black hair and psychotic look snatched me away from the running Fred and the other cloaked figure caught Harry by his leg, leaving Ron and Fred running to the forest on their own.

"Crucio!" The cloaked figure shouted at me, pointing her wand as I began to flinch and suddenly felt the tremendous torturous pain spread through all of my body.

I screeched in pain and cried in agony when that cloaked figure tried putting the curse on me and carved something on my arm with her dagger.

"STUPEFY!" Someone came to the rescue. I couldn't see his face as I began to slip out of my consciousness. 


Narrator's POV

Cedric kneeled on the ground, holding Hedda's almost lifeless body in his arm. "Hedda, please stay alive," He cried.

"Son, what happened?" Amos Diggory came to see his son crying, trying to wake the girl to consciousness.

"Dad, can we get her to St. Mungo's? She needs to get treated. Someone had just tortured her. Someone I couldn't see clearly. But I knew it was a woman, her hair was bushy and pitch black, she wore a black cloak and she had a dagger with her," Cedric cried. He wanted to find that woman and put her to Azkaban for hurting the girl lying almost lifeless in his arms. "I stunned her and she ran away." 

"Death Eaters," Amos growled. 

"Hedda," Charlie Ran towards the two as he found Hedda lying on the ground.

"Weasley, we need to take her to St. Mungos," Cedric said as Charlie nodded firmly and help the 17-year-old boy to apparate the three of them to the hospital to patch the girl up.


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