Bill and Charlie Weasley

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Hedda's POV

We arrived at The Burrow this summer. Mr Weasley bought us tickets to watch the Quidditch world cup. I was so excited about this. Since Oliver might have got to talk about the excitement and euphoria of The World Cup, which I didn't really respond to. I do hope he didn't come to see me at The Burrow. I couldn't bear looking at his face. I was still mad at him for ditching me just like that last Christmas. I didn't loathe him. His piles of letters were still sitting there at the deepest corner of my extensible trunk. 

Upon our arrival, I spotted someone not so familiar with, coming to join us. He was rather attractive. He's got long ginger hair, tied in a ponytail. His jawline was extremely strong, he's got some freckles around his face, he's got a thin layer of beard and moustache on his face. He looked like a Weasley so far. With a touch of rock and roll rebel with his black leather jacket, lousily tucked in white shirt, black ripped jeans and a pair of dragon skin combat boots. and as long as I noticed, he was wearing some sort of spiked earrings, they were sort of fang-shaped, I wonder. That Weasley brother was like the hottest and the most stylish among all the Weasley's I have ever met. I mean He was damn attractive. There was another one. The one looked much more muscular, with the signature Weasley ginger hair and freckles all over his body. There was some deep cut left on his skin. He wore a Weasley hooded jumper along with his ripped jeans with some dirt and blood on it, and a pair of dragon skin combat boot. He must be the 'Charlie' Ron always bragged about. 

His hazel eyes were examining me and Harry before he offered a handshake to both of us. "William Weasley," He introduced himself.

"It's Hedda Potter, and he's my twin, Harry Potter," I shook his hand firmly.

"Heard of you two through Ron and Ginny so far," He smiled. Merlin, his smile made me forget that I've had a boyfriend already.

"Call me Bill for short. William could be a mouthful to say sometimes," Bill said.

"You need to have a haircut, Bill," Mrs Weasley said as she commented on Bill's long ponytail. "And what are these?" She said, looking at Bill's earrings.

"Charlie gave it. besides, it's cool, mum," Bill shook the comments as he smiled playfully.

Merlin, His smile! If only I hadn't been in an inactive relationship with Oliver Wood, I would have been fangirling over Bill Weasley. Sadly, Oliver Wood was there at The Burrow. He looked like he had just finished his practice drills with the team and instantly apparated to this place. I could see his dark brown hair glued to his face due to excessive sweating. I bet Fred or George had told him about Harry and me going to stay at the Burrow. He was there standing a few yards away from Bill and me.

"Agatha," He called me out.

I refused to look at him. I've missed him so bad. But considering that I was very badly hurt about him moving out without telling me, I decided to ignore him.

"So, I heard from Ron you're the coolest Weasley. I mean Curse Breaker," I said as I pretended not seeing him.

"The job is quite challenging. Aside from the annoyingly demanding Goblins, the job itself was very adventurous and I liked it." Bill said. I bet no one had even asked about what he was doing up until now. He seemed so passionate explaining about his job.

"I think Hedda should sort things out. Someone here was longing to meet her," Harry said, butting into our conversation.

"I don't need talking to Mr Wood over there, Brother," I shook my head. I wanted to distract myself from Oliver.

"Come on, Heds," Fred said.

"Yeah, he was devastated. He said you've been ignoring all his letters all summer," George said.

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