chapter one :I am not an angel and I wont be one till I die , I will be myself

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News travel fast in small villages and Avonlea is no exeption . The gossip moved as fast as a haunted duck with miss Lynd going door to door to exhail the new mistery that was awaiting .You see an elderly woman of rich appearance was seen visiting the estate of  william Barry .She dressed like a widow closing her first year but the little that knew of her said she was surely an old maid. Some also mentioned that she was of blood relations with the Barrys but ,when one was to question them about it ,they would quikly change the subject .She stayed there for the last week of spring,supposedly doing some errands, and then took the train to Charlottown .

Maby 8 days passed where a modiste from Carmody called Jeannie pippet spoke to an old schoolfriend of hers mentioning the old woman coming to her shop and ordering 3 dresses of simple and light structure,perfect for long traveling, and 4 every day more elaborate dresses of vicius colors ,non of wich being pink or orange, 2 hats one white modest with a big silk rubin falling to the sides(giving it a shape more similar to a bonet than a sailors hat) and one persian blue of a more traditional design and a white bow of medium size on top , an also persian blue coat with flower embroidery on the cuffs and collar , a few pinafores and a dazzling cream silk dress . The thing that struck misses pippet eye though was that all this clothing were ment for a child as when the question of measurements came she handed an old small worn out dress of a lemon chiffon color and ordered for them to be "a litte bigger than this" .She then well paid the woman requested for the dresses to be done first and at least one of them to be ready till tomorrow. The woman then went to work immediately and as surprising as it sounds all were done withinin two weeks .2 days after that she was seen by a ticket inspector who told the minister that she was aboarding a ship ,while next to her a young lass in blue coat ,her face and hair not visible because of the size of her hat. No news were to be given to the people of avonlea and quickly the topic was left aside .

It wasnt till the end of summer when she was spoken of again by the same ticket inspectore who didnt forget to inform his friend that her tranks had more than doubled. She was comming off the train to avonlea with the girl on her side . There a black close carriage with carved wood took them to the brick house belonging to her neice .As soon as this hited Rachels ears she ecstaticly took the pie she had been making and a few minutes later knocked the door of the inormus building. There miss Josephine happily informed her during tea that she indeed is an aunt to George Barry, that she dressed like a widow because of her dearest friends death ,and more excitingly that she found a long lost relative of her kindered spirit a young girl called Anne ,who surprisingly has so much in common with the passed woman .She also said that to get closer to the girl and forget about the tragedy of Gertrude she took her for a long trip to Europe and that she intends to live with the Barrys so the girl could grow with a 'real family'. Miss lynd spread the news and as soon as the mistery was over every one once again forgot about it.

It wasnt until the third day before school when Josephine decided to host a small picnic near the riverv,similar to the one her relatives host every year ,with flavorful tarts and scrumptius tea and chairs and pillows everywhere so every one will be welcomed . Most of the villagers came and a band was playing the classics , there some boys of adolescent age appeared without their families . They all laughed and joked .Gilbert billie moddy and charlie ,all dressed in casual, came without their parents .They did that to help Blythe who felt weird going to a family event without his father ,as he was to sick to come .

Billie made a joke and every one laughed ,except Gilbert who was drawn to a girl not familiar to him talking with Diana •she was skinny with freckles and fiery red hair braided in 2 pulled up to the parietal with a silk cream bow , she was wearing a pleated silk cream dress with an oval neckline and a long embroidered tule bertha collar and short puff sleeves with lace on the end along with a belt with a silk bow on the front left side. The pale boy unconsciously aproached her standing infront of the two girls frozen "hello gilbert" said the brunet "Anne this is gilbert he's in our class" "oh emm hi" said the boy quickly realizing his movments. "it is a luscious pleasure to meet you""Hey Blythe ! "howled the blond boy behinde him "It was nice to see you Anne"said the child before runing to his friend and leaving the two girls to giglle by his akward introdaction. There Anne made plenty best of wich being Diana Barry ,Ruby Gillis ,Tillie Boulterand , Jane Andrews and Jossie Pye .

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