Chapter 7

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I grimaced upon reading the message. What the hell? Was he stalking me in the library earlier? This is going way to far.

"Yeah, he was my partner in some school activity. What about it?"

"You seem to enjoy his company..."

"So? I had no choice. Teacher wanted me to work with someone so... that's it."

"Is that so?"

I was beginning to become irritated. Why was this any of his business?

"What does it concern you?"

"Well... I care about you. And I don't want him to hurt you...."

The strong irony in his words irritated me even more. I just had done school work with a guy that happened to be partner and here comes this bullshit? What did I do now? I only did what I had to do. If there is anyone to blame then it's the teacher. 

"Oh yeah? I'm more worried about you hurting me."

"I would never hurt you, (n)"

"I don't even know your name."

"My name is Ben."

"Yeah, right, stop messing with me."

"I'm not. I'm telling you the truth."

"Right. Like I'm going to believe you."

 "I feared this..."

"Feared what?"

"That you're not going to believe me."

He was really pissing me off right now. Why would someone named Ben stalk me right after I read his story? And if it was the real Ben drowned, he would have harmed me, right? Not this kind of stalking shit.

"Fuck off."

I might have been a little too harsh but I can't help but feel mad. I feel pressured even though I haven't done anything wrong. Plus he never gives me any straight answer so how could I not be angry?

"You're angry at me now... I'm sorry but I can't help but feel jealous. I hope you understand."

Why is he jealous in the first place? I just met Drew today and he loses his mind? This guy must really have some issues.

"I don't understand anything and I can't help you with your jealousy issues either."

"...Maybe someday you'll understand."

I sighed and wiped my forehead. I just successfully finished school work so why should I be so gloomy? I was thinking of what to play when my phone suddenly rang.

I opened it to see who messaged me and it revealed to be Drew. How strange.

"Wanna play firefall? :D"

That's right, I remember him saying that earlier. I don't have anything else to do so might as well. I searched for his username to add him and waited for him to accept my request. Only after a few moments he accepted and we could start the game.

 Drew had a lower level than me so I had to help him level up over the time. I haven't played it for long either since they were lots of other games I have wanted to play. Anyway, it was nice to play with someone I actually knew, even though he was clearly not as good as I was.

He always got attacked by some monster and I usually save his ass. He's not as good as Ben though... ugh, why am I even comparing the two? What the hell is wrong with me? They are like from two different planets.

 We played for hours until he messaged me again.

"It's getting late and I think I should get some sleep. You should too :)"

"Will do."

"Good night! :D"

 He sure uses a lot of emoticons.

"Good night too."

I placed my phone aside since I'm not really feeling sleepy yet. Maybe I should play Elder's scroll. That would be a good way to pass time. Plus I had sleep last night, maybe I can skip this time.

A while later, I received another text message. This time it's from "no number".


What's this supposed to mean? Why does he keep messaging me with these strange messages? He's acting like he's my boyfriend, only overly attached. I guess that's what a stalker is?

I played again for hours but this time Ben did not appear in the game. I was fighting all alone. Just now I realized how hard this game has gotten. I struggled but eventually died. 

And I hate it when an opponents basic attacks are stronger than my special attacks. Like seriously. This is so frustrating.

I don't know how many times I died already but I only managed to progress a little farther. It shouldn't be that hard.

I think it's hard because I have been relying on Ben the whole time and in truth, my own skill hasn't improved. Although Elders scroll wasn't that hard to play though... I guess I just miss being healed.

 Am I actually waiting for Ben to appear in this game? How could I be so pathetic and dependent? I can do this without him. Seriously, what's wrong with me? Maybe I should go sleep after all?

 I sighed and shook my head. No. When it came to gaming, I'd give my all to finish something. I wish I could be like this in real life too, such as my studies. If I studied with the same perseverance I have in gaming, I could have been an honor student. Too bad school is so much different from games.

 I tried to stay alive but it was very hard to do that and in the end I felt too exhausted to play and exited the game. It was already five am and I still had a few more hours before school. It was too short of a time to sleep but too long not to do anything.

I moved to my window and peeked through the edge of the curtain. I don't exactly know why I'm doing this but I just suddenly felt like it. It was still dark and the sky was clear but I could not see any stars of moon.

I don't know why but I feel really sad right now. Aside from having a stalker and befriending Drew, I felt incomplete. Like there was something that's missing and I don't know what it is. I feel like I changed even though I haven't even done anything.

I don't even know what exactly changed about me.

 All I know is that I hate change. I hate things to change.

I closed my eyes for a few moments and took a deep breath. It's going to be alright. There 's nothing to be overemotional of.

I'm a very weird person who doesn't even understand myself.

I decided to lay on my bed to rest but I didn't want to sleep. I feel tired but not sleepy. A very weird feeling.Maybe I should start living a healthy lifestyle as I had always planned but failed to do so every time.

There would always be new game I would want to play and then I would forget the world around me.

At this very moment I wanted to forget everything around me but somehow not even games help me right now.

I had no idea how long I laid here thinking of life when my phone rang, notifying me that I have new messages. I took a look at both of them.

Funny thing is, both Ben and Drew send me "Good Morning." This is so stupid. It feels like I'm cheating or something.

Of course I'm not cheating, what kind of bullshit am I thinking?

Hell, I don't even know what a real relationship is.

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