Chapter 13

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I read the message in shock. Drew can't be dead, can he...? Did Ben already sealed his fate? If Drew is really dead then that would be all my fault... Someone died because of me!

My throat felt like it bound itself together and my heart run cold but pounded in my heavy chest. No... please let this all be a dream! I want to wake up anytime soon. I closed my eyes and tried to drain the negativity I was feeling and was ready to open my eyes to a better scenario.

I lost my composure in the end as panic took over me. I would never wake up! This is reality!

I  jumbled for my phone and decided to call Drew. I didn't care anymore. I had to make sure he was alright. I don't care if I seem annoying or whatever, I would call him until he picked up.

I bit my lip as I dialed his number. Please up, please pick up... I heard the phone ring but no one picked up until I heard the intercept message.

"Damnit! Come on!" I cursed as I desperately tried to reach him again.

I couldn't reach him and called him over and over again in hope he would finally answer.

"The subscriber cannot be reached. Please try again late-"

I thew my phone at the wall out of frustration. This is it. He's dead and it's all my fault. I should have pushed him away from me more firmly. Why hadn't I done that? What is wrong with me?

Tears dripped down myslef as I tried not to go insane with that mess of anxiety, fear, regret and guilt building up inside me. I felt so hopeless... I don't know what to do.

I switched my PC on and decided to confront Ben. I blamed him for being so jealous and I blame myself for taking it for granted. I opened cleverbot and started a conversation with him.

"You killed him, didn't you!"



"Drew who?"

Cleverbot gave me automated respones but Ben was no where to be spoken to. I opened Elder Scrolls in hope he would appear buit he did  not.

I let out a whimper. Just what am I supposed to do now? I run in circles in my room trying to find something to do. I was on the edge of my sanity. There was absolutely nothing I could do. Why did this all have to happen? I've only wished for a peaceful life.

It was hard to breathe and I felt like fainting hence I tried to calm down a little. It's fine I thought. His net probably died and he probably misplaced his phone somewhere and he can't find it so he went to sleep... yeah, that's probably it. Nothing to worry about.  He'll be fine. I'll see him in class later and everything is gonna be fine...

I closed my eyes for a bit but what I did didn't feel like sleeping. It was more like passing out. A few minutes later though, my eyes shot open and I panicked all over again. The probability of his net dying and phone losing is too small! Ben got him and killed him and I don't know anything...

Just like Ben. He died and I didn't know a single thing. I am a useless friend...

I punched my pillow. This is why I should be alone... I always lose my friends.

It was still 4 AM... still so far from class. Why is the night so long now? Staying up all night to play wasn't even enough for me but right now... I really wanna go to school. It's been the first time I wanted to attend classes so badly....

I picked up my pillow and sobbed into it.

"I am so sorry... Drew... Ben...."

I somehow made it through the night, barely though. I didn't want to eat anything and I went ahead to school before Daryl. I had to know what happened to Drew. I would not find any rest before that...

 I run as fast as my legs could carry me and made it to the lab. I am earlier than most people this morning.... alright, Drew has some friends from this class so I might as well ask people. I don't care what they'll think of me.

I decided to approach one of the guys I have seen with Drew during that partnership assignment. I build up as much courage as I could and walked up to him.

"Umm, hey. I was just wondering if you've seen Drew earlier?"

"Huh? Uh no, why?"

"Was just wondering."

"Haven't hang out with him since Catherine's party."

"Okay, thanks."

Okay, so if this dude didn't hear anything about Drew then he must be alright.... right?

Feeling a little bit relieved I was about to go back to my seat when Catherine suddenly stormed in, looking distraught as her eyes searched around the room until they met me. They were puffy as if she had been crying.

"You Bitch!!!" She stomped up to me and slapped me across the face.

My eyed were wide in shock as her blow left my cheek. Everyone went silent and stared at us. Then suddenly she started crying.

"What have you done to him....?" Her voice was cracking.

"....What.... happened?" My voice was barely above a whisper.

"You hurt him didn't you! He was my friend... and I will never forgive you for that! Who do you think you are, you think you're good enough for him? You're fucking not!" She was yelling at me.

"What happened to him?!" I was getting desperate for answers.

"He... killed himself."


I can't believe this. I had feared he was dead but to find the actual truth.... It was too much.


"Because you had to hurt him! I don't understand why he would like you but you were obviously not good enough for him! I hate you!"

She slapped me again.

I couldn't be angry at her though. It's my fault after all...

Wait... if he killed himself, did that have anything to do with Ben? Was Drew so hurt over getting rejected that he decided to commit suicide and Ben had simply reported such to me? Or did he have any impact on Drew's suicide?

"How... how did he die...?" I asked carefully. Catherine was sobbing very hard.

"He drowned himself... in the bath tub."

He... drowned... bath tub... water.... met a terrible fate... he shouldn't have done that...

"I can't..." I buried my face in my hand. It had been Ben after all. That was not a suicide, Ben killed him. The worst I feared came true...

This was getting out of hand. I have failed to prevent this. I knew this would happen but what did I do? Nothing! I'm too soft! I should have been harsher with pushing him away.

"I like you and  some evil spirit won't stop me"

Drew is such an idiot. Why did he have to risk his life for a girl who isn't worth shit. Well, no matter how idiotic someone seems, I should still be able to avoid all of this.

I'm a failure. I always keep myself out of trouble because I'm too lazy to get out of my comfort zone and now I got someone killed. I had to change.

I made up my mind. I would change things. I am going to learn more Ben.

Zelda (Ben drowned X reader)Where stories live. Discover now