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      I would have thought that lunch would be more rowdy than the classroom, but to my pleasant surprise, it was relatively more calm. That is, until a certain red haired classmate showed up. 

      "{Y/N}, come eat with us! You shouldn't have to stand against the wall like that, alone. It wouldn't be very manly of me to leave you out like that." I tore my eyes away from the steaming mug in front of my face to look at my joyous peer. The boy had a puppy dog face that you just couldn't say no to, which is exactly why I found myself plopping down in the seat next to him. He allowed me to have the seat closest to the outside aisle, claiming it was part of his chivalrous demeanor. 

     "I'm really not even that hungry, I just want to drink my coffee. I barely got any sleep last night, my dad was so freaked out about letting me come here after what happened. Are you guys still okay after that shit?" The liquid gold pouring down my throat as I paused was almost heaven on earth. "You guys seemed okay at the sports festival, at least. I heard about it all over town."

      Kaminari seemed stunned, both him and Kirishima stared at me with open jaws. "Didn't you watch it? It was amazing! So totally awesome." Bakugou scoffed at them.

      "Don't ever speak of that lame ass festival again. THAT HALF AND HALF BASTARD HELD OUT ON ME--"

      The strikingly familiar lavender head of hair that stepped into my peripheral vision sent a jolt of excitement through me when he cut the ash blonde off. "Give it a rest, hot head. No one wants to hear your pity party bullshit. Right, {Y/N}?" Violet eyes rested their gaze on my {E/C} ones, my stomach churned with delight at the drawling smirk that stretched across features my heart yearned to see. But this wasn't the same soft child I had played through so many long hours with, he was more grown up, mature. A now defined jawline, and sunken cheeks rested below sleep deprived eyes; the one thing that hadn't changed about him. Standing at a staggering almost six feet, his lean, toned body towered before me, almost tempting. When had he gotten so..

      "Hot..." His startled expression had me slapping a hand over my mouth as I realized my thoughts were spoken aloud. My mouth betrayed me. Flustered, I slid my palm down away from my face, ready to explain myself. "I uh," But there was no excuse. "Didn't exactly mean to say that out loud.." 

      The smirk returned to his lips, squeezing my heart. It was everything I had not to get up and hug him with all the strength in my body. God, how I'd missed him. Not being able to see the only person you really knew, besides your family was something that took a definite toll on the human brain. "Well, are you going to give this 'hot' guy a hug, or sit on your helpless ass? I think I deserve one after all these years--oof!" I'd already thrown myself at him, pressing my face hard into his chest, nearly choking at the feeling of this newfound muscle. He must have really been training hard. His chest shook with the deep chuckle that emitted from it when he rested his large, slender hands on my hips to hold me steady. "I missed you too, dork-ass."

      "Whoa, you guys seem really close." Kirishima joked, and I let go to face him.

      "Yeah, he was my only friend as a kid when we moved here. My dad kept me on a fucking leash." I explained with a roll of my eyes. "I was only ever allowed out of the house to see him, or when we went to the store for something. But, when did you become so..sociable, toshi?" It was weird to see him so open around people. The Shinso Hitoshi I knew was secluded. Not shy, per say, but he kept mostly to himself, only opening up around people he was really close to.

      Kirishima sucked in a breath along with Kaminari and Sero. Mina was too busy picking on Bakugou to even listen in. Shinso cleared his throat, plucking my too small coffee cup up off the table and lifting it to his lips. "You can blame the broccoli headed loser sitting over there. As soon as I told him I wasn't here to make friends, he basically devoted his whole damned life to changing my mind. guess you could say he pulled the stick out of my ass." He slipped the cup back into my hands, giving my head a quick pat before shoving his hands into the pockets of his uniform slacks. "Bells about to ring. I'll stop by your place later." A single hand was raised in the air as a form of silent goodbye, but also to signify his promise to actually stop by.

GASOLINE (Dabi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now