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        "--MYSTERIOUS BLUE FIRE BROKE OUT IN THE WOODS LAST NIGHT, ONE KNOWN VICTIM, TWO SEEN FLEEING FROM THE SCENE. AUTHORITIES UNABLE TO IDENTIFY SUSPECTS DUE TO THE FLAMES INTENSE INTERFERENCE..." The television droned on about the villainous forest fire I had so unluckily witnessed. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as the announcer spoke, particularly at the mention of two seen fleeing. I was one of those two, and damned lucky enough not to be recognized. Maybe those blue flames were good for something after all; keeping me from being recognized as a villain.

        Groaning, I let my head drop to the counter top, relishing in the darkness that took over my vision. My head was pounding; father had grilled me about Shinsou last night--not as much as I thought--and I had barely gotten any sleep. After I'd slipped into bed last night, a book in hand, I'd opened my window for some fresh air. The thought of sneaking out had briefly passed my mind, however when I heard something outside my window, in the woods, that quickly changed. There was somebody out there, talking. The same, horrific crackling sound I had heard from that fire erupted again, but this time, I couldn't see the flames. Just smoke, and a faint voice. I was rigid, and scared. Was he going to stalk me, come after me like Shinsou had said? The questions spun through the nights thick air, clawing their way through my ears and brain, embedding themselves within the crevasses, making a point to keep me worrying.

       A cold hand drug me from my remembrance, causing me to lift my head from my arms cradle. A pair of sleepy purple eyes stared back into my own {E/C} ones, seeming to realize how tired I was. "Morning sleepy head. Let's get our asses to school before were late, yeah?" He rumbled slowly, still rubbing the sleep from his face. Snippets from last night's events played over in my mind, and I mentally smacked myself, standing abruptly. The lavender haired boy nearly toppled over at the movement, looking down at me through heavy lashes. "Okay, random bursts of energy. Note taken."


       Birds chipped happily outside as we walked, mumbled conversations of passerby's occasionally drifted through the air, streets surprisingly quiet otherwise. The sluggish events of the day flipped pages in my mind, nothing really interesting had happened. We picked our hero names, which took honestly almost all day, seeing as how Midnight turned down a few and Bakugou was adamant about his name being what he wanted. Eventually though, Kirishima helped him pick 'Ground Zero'. I, on the other hand, wasn't too interested in picking a hero name. I'd never thought too much about it before, or even thought about being a hero, for that matter. So I simply went with Titanium, one of the metals in my alloy hair. Easy enough to remember, and not too revealing of my actual quirk. Shinsou was a bit disappointed when I had told him how uninterested I was; he really wished he was in my place. But he didn't seem down, he seemed so.. determined. Like he knew he was getting into the hero course somehow.

        I decided it was time to break the silence we'd become so comfortable in. "So, like. When are you going to tell me who you're training with, hmm? When I'm old, maybe dead, and you're a pro hero?"

       The indigo boy scoffed, kicking up gravel on the sidewalk. He looked over at me with a wry smile, chuckling, "I'll tell everyone when I get into the class. And by then it might be blatantly obvious." The sun glistened in his eyes, and where he didn't seem bothered, I was shielding my own because it stung.

        "Oh, come o-," I stumbled to the side as a man pushed past my form, his arm bumping into my shoulder. The smell of gasoline and smoke wandered into my nostrils, causing me to wrinkle my nose and glare at the hooded stranger. "Watch where the hell you're going, bastard! Your tall ass could have knocked me over." This earned a small laugh from the man.

        Being a bit taller than Shinsou, I had to crane my neck to look at him more than usual. The patchwork purple I saw around his mouth, the only real part of him I could see, brought up on unwanted deja vu, and terror. I'd only seen that marred type of skin on one person in my lifetime, a person whom I'd only encountered just recently. I stumbled back a few steps, but regained posture. I couldn't let Shinsou know, he'd freak and I'd never hear the end of it. The raspy voice caught my attention as I had began turning to walk as fast away as possible. "Quite the mouth you've got, huh, doll face. Sorry about that. Guess this hood clouds my vision."

GASOLINE (Dabi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now