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      "I'm so sorry I'm late. I took what I thought was a short cut, but ended up missing the turn." I offered a lousy smile to my father and Shinsou as I panted in the doorway, slipping off my shoes. They looked at me, unbelieving. Well, my father did. Shinsou knew damned well what had happened. 

      "Yeah, next time you're walking home with me." The lavender haired tree patted my shoulder teasingly. I squinted my eyes and puffed my cheeks, annoyed as his attempt to monitor my freedom.

      My dad chuckled at us, grabbing his coat off the back of the kitchen chair next to him. He shrugged it on, pulling it tightly around his frame. "I've got to go to the store. Shinsou's more than welcome to stay until I get back, it should only be an hour or so." The {H/C} haired man disappeared through the door I'd just come through not even 5 minuets ago.

      "So," I spun to Shinsou, hands on my hips. "When did all this happen? Who have you been training with? Are you taking steroids?" I shot questions rapid fire at him, reaching up to hold his bicep above my head, inspecting it. He flexed, the muscles rolling under my fingers. He was starting to fill out, but he'd always be the same lean, bean-pole of a boy in my eyes. 

       A hearty laugh erupted from his throat as he caught my hand, letting his arm fall back to its side. Violet hues rolled to the side, taunting me. "Definitely been taking all the steroids. No, I've just been.." He swallowed a bit before continuing. "Training. You know how much I want to be a hero, I'm getting into that course."

       I knew how serious he was. Shinsou would do whatever it took to be a hero. Physically, it's hard to tell that he even has a quirk. Most people show it; they have some physical attribute that signifies their difference from others. As well as, most people who want to be a hero train hard, and have tons of muscle by the time they enter a hero course. Well, the males anyways. Shinsou had none of that. He kept mostly to himself, and UA was his chance to meet people, and establish himself as a potential pro. I wanted to help him as much as I could, he was damned near my best friend. The only person I ever had a childhood social life with. He supported all my stupid, shitty decisions and I'd be damned if I didn't support his good ones. Before I knew it, I was crying. Small, hot tears rolled down my cheeks and into the crook of my nose, the tops of my lips. Fuck emotions.

       "{Y/N},  what the hell?" He grumbled, pulling me onto his back and heading for the stairs. "Why are you crying now, you big baby?"

       "You just mean so much to me and I really want to have class with you and you're growing up so fast and--" I sniffled, burning my face in the fluff that covered his head. He tsked, the bags under his eyes seeming to darken even more as he opened the door to my bedroom and set me on the bed.

       Shinsou threw himself down beside to me, sprawling himself out with his arms above his head. The lose material of his uniform shirt bunched up, as he stretched, revealing the slightest hint of a v-line that had me nearly reaching.

       "So, " I shuffled my feet across the shag, {F/C} carpet that flooded my floor. "Something really weird happened when I was taking that shortcut home today.. " Chills crept their way up my spine, the spidery legs ticking the little hairs that littered my neck and arms. Even just thinking about the encounter had flashes of blue invading my vision, those lifeless cerulean eyes staring back at me from every corner of my room. The remembrance was intoxicating, something about him had me entranced, stuck in a constant stupor of turquoise thought. I shook my head, swallowing hard as a prerequisite for my continuation.

       Shinsou was eyeing me warily now, shifted so that his head was resting in his propped up palm, signaling his interest. "There was a villain." I blurted. It was a horrible start, but it was all I had. There was no name, no real place, just blue. "I was walking through the woods behind our house, heading home, and I heard this scream. So of fucking course on got interested, and went to investigate. Like a complete dumb-ass; then all of a sudden there were blue flames everywhere. I saw him, and tried to I guess, stop him? But he knew I was there. And he taunted me. Then the sirens got louder, and we kind of.. Went our separate ways?" I glanced over at him, knowing my explanation was utter shit, vague of any real detail, and was bound to leave him clueless. Maybe a part of me still had a bit of a soft spot for the 'villains', and wasn't quite willing to rat them out just yet.

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