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        I slapped my hands around in the sheets until I felt the cool texture of my phone case. Sliding my fingers around the rectangular object I clicked the power button in expertise of knowing where all my buttons were. The generation of electronics am I right? The bright blue light invaded my vision and I blinked a couple times looking at the notification I had swiped down upon, the same one that had awoken me at..

        3 AM? Was Shinsou absolutely insane? What was he doing calling me this late? 6 missed calls is absolutely absurd especially at this time of night. Does he not know that not everyone is a fucking insomniac? I groaned, and rolled onto my side, moving my thumb only the slightest to call the poor boy back. I didn't have the effort to give him an earful tonight. The ringing in my ear was startling enough to almost be seizure inducing, but it was short lived as a paranoid friend quickly began speaking on the other end.

        "Excuse me? {Y/N} you had me so fucking worried. You stopped messaging before 9 and you never do that. And with that guy bumping into us earlier I thought the worst, naturally." His raspy, worried voice made me smile.

        "If you were so worried why didn't you just call me earlier why call me so late? What if I was dead, hmm?" I teased, kicking my feet under the covers to move them down to my lower back. It was getting hot.

        "I did." I looked. 9:13 was the earliest call. "I called just after you stopped responding, enough time for you to respond if you had taken a shower or gotten something to eat." He explained.

        The covers shifted again. I don't understand why I would stop responding like that, especially so early...


        The name came crashing into remembrance like a freight train, my temples throbbing at the whisper. The events of earlier flooded into memory. Leaving the door unlocked, the cerulean man waltzing into my home, being attacked in the stairway because my stealth skills are absolutely horrible somehow, and fainting after hearing his name and the stress consuming my consciousness. I couldn't tell Shinsou what really happened, he would freak and either tell my poor father or somehow unknowingly convince him to let him stay over for study purposes. But, I was also leaving for training camp today. So if I did tell him, there was opportunity for me to get out of this situation truthful and unscathed -- a rare occurrence.

        I took a deep breath and pulled the phone away from my face, checking the time once more. 3:18 AM. I needed to get back to sleep if at all possible, and if I were to tell him now lord only knows how much longer I'd be on the phone then. "I lost track of time while I was packing and ended up falling asleep. My suitcase is on the floor I cant even remember if I finished doing everything or not." The silence coming from his end was less than reassuring. "I'm really sorry Shinsou hun, for worrying you. I'm gonna crash again though so I'll let you go. Get some actual sleep tonight, stop running on crackhead hours." I clicked the end call button faster than he could speak, which I would most assuredly hear about tomorrow morning before class. I needed sleep, though, and to clear my head. I needed to check on my father too, to make sure he got home okay and that bastard Dabi hadn't hurt him while I was out.

        The more I thought about it, the more I realized was off. Most concerningly, how had I gotten back into bed? I remember fainting in the stairway, if I'm remembering correctly that is. I kicked the sheets again, it only kept getting hotter which was odd because i could feel that my window was still open and pushing in cool air. Rubbing my eyes, the sleepy haze that clouded my vision soon cleared and I rolled over, ready to get off my bed and check on my father downstairs. That is, if I hadn't kneed something -- rather someone in the back.

        "That hurt a little bit, dollface."

        The scream that threatened to rip from my throat was stopped by the sweaty hand I clasped over the open orifice in reflex. The amusing shimmer in his eyes lit a fire in my stomach that made me sick. I scrambled backwards until my back was against the wall and pulled my knees up to my chest. "And just what are you doing here still?" I rasped,  furrowing my brows in a mixture of confusion and anger.

The laughter under his breath, was my only response for a short while. He shifted, rustling my bedding as he moved, and turned cockeyed to look at me. "Making sure you weren't faking it."

The fainting, he meant as I soon realized. It made sense, it would have been a smart move to play possum to avoid his wrath-- but that was him giving me way too much credit than I was worth. I glanced around in thought, sleepy {E/C} eyes wandering from the clothes tossed out of the suitcase on the floor, to the closet that was now open and it's contents disheveled. The asshole had taken the liberty of going through my stuff?  What could he possibly have been looking for? 

Shaking off the thoughts, I turned to look at where he sat waiting patiently for my response. The bile that had rose in my throat after his less than chivalrous greeting was dissipating enough for me to speak. But there were no words. In all honestly as much as my mouth liked to portray something different, I was scared. I was worried about my father sleeping downstairs, if he was even still alive. 

"Tch," A wave of heat flooded over me as Dabi stood up, itching absently at the stitches on his left knuckles. He pushed past me, slipping his fingers under the partially open window to slide it all the way open. Deep flames danced in his eyes as he spoke and I couldn't decipher whether they were due to annoyance or something more knowing. "I should have left hours ago, but since I was here I did some looking to see if you had anything of value I could get some quick cash off of. Nothing caught my eye." He shifted then, throwing his legs out the window and positioning himself to drop downwards. "Well, except for this."

The photo..I thought I fucking burned that thing

My heart sank, my stomach dropped to the floor. It was a nauseating sight, the photo that he held was the last thing that I had of my Mother's. It was a stupid Christmas photo take, my father was holding me above his head with a dope grin and sparkles in his eyes while I on the other than looked like I was about to drool on his poor unsuspecting face, being only 2 or so at the time. Off towards the edge of the photo was my mother, her {H/C} hair was matted and she was immensely skinny, almost sickly so. Her eyes were dark with malice, arms crossed in an unwelcoming gesture. This was before she had met Endeavor, when she had just joined the League and wasn't doing so well. Sometimes, a person's own quirk can hurt their body the more they use it; my mother was living proof of that.

"Take it. She hasn't been in my life for years, that photo doesn't hold any value to me." I sneered, toying with a strand of titanium that had curled under the heat in the room.

"Not to you, but I have a few questions myself and this just might get me the answers I need. Thanks, Dollface. I'll see you real soon." And with that he was gone. Out the window, his long coat flapping as he fell. I barely heard his boots hit the ground before I slammed my window shut and twisted the lock. Something about the promise he made before he left didn't sit right with me. I was leaving I a few short hours, for camp. I would be free from anything that had to do with him for a week. Surely he wouldn't come back after I returned? He didn't need anything from me, if he didn't beleive when I said I wouldn't tell anyone, I'd be dead by now. He was older than me, stronger than me, and a villain. Nothing was in his way if he didn't want it to be.


Fuck! I knew his name now. Probably just an alias, since most villains used them just like heros had their media names. So that didn't count, right? I couldn't turn him in on a name that wasn't even in the system. Besides, if I brought up how I was there the night of the fire, they'd probably start investigating me, instead.

A breath of air that I didn't realize I'd been holding in made its way from my chapped, parted lips. There wasn't going to be much sleeping for me the rest of the night I decided with a grimace.

Might as well pick up all the shit he threw everywhere and finish packing..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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