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         Ever since I could remember, thrill was my favorite aspect of life. Hero's, Villains, they're all just labels to me. Meaningless stereotypes placed upon those deemed worthy by society. The only reason I was applying to UA, the famed school for aspiring hero's, was for my parents. Well, my dad, anyways. My mom hadn't been around since I was little. As a low-key villain, and damn near best friends with the number two hero Endeavor, my father eventually had enough of me being raised around that sort of atmosphere. She loved me, undoubtedly, but the more time she spent with the uprising League of Villains, the worse she became. Eventually, her visits to home were scarce, almost a mere three times a month. Due to this, I was spending most my time at the Todoroki household while dad worked. Then one night, mom came home, followed by Endeavor and his eldest son, Touya. He was 10 to my 6 at the time, a 4 year age difference. But that wasn't the odd part, the part that made my dad steal me away; what she said next was.

         "A quirk marriage!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands together happily with wide {E/C} eyes. It was sickening, the almost forced smile that plastered her lips. "Endeavor offered his oldest son, oh wouldn't it just be wonderful if our darling {Y/N} and his little Touya got into a quirk marriage? Just imagine how powerful their offspring will be. Can't you see it, love? They could even join the League once their older, then their children would be even more powerful." The blurry, toxic woman of my memories cooed, tilting her head in question at my father. 

         Endeavor stepped towards me, heat radiating from the flames of his costume, scalding eyes looking me over with almost sinister intent. My frail, quivering form shuffled closer into my fathers side as I turned my attention to the pale, dirty red haired male next to my mom. His almost neon blue eyes held mine for a moment before they slid to a patch of scarred skin near his hand, turning cold with remorse.

         "Yes, very powerful indeed." The flaming hero, or so he called himself, motioned to his son. "Then maybe this worthless son of mine can actually begin to be of use to my cause." This must have thoroughly infuriated my father, seeing as how the next thing I remember is being carried out the door on his hip.

         "You're both sick." His tear swollen eyes, puffy with a mixture of anger and sadness moved to my mothers confused form, still standing next to Endeavor. "I thought you'd get better. To be a better mom to our daughter. Obviously, I was wrong. Goodbye, {Y/M/N}."

         That's the last time I saw her, but I've always felt like she was close. Watching me, from some distant part of the area. 10 years later and I still can't shake the feeling, but it's more or less a part of me now. The constant anxiety, long nights laying awake waiting for the anvils that hid on my eyelids to finally take their toll. Endeavor was still in my life, though not quite personally. It's simply hard to ignore someone that's on nearly every building you pass, you know, with him being the number two hero and all. My dads done his  best to keep me away from him, and others who could possibly be associated with my  mom, and that's why I was so terrified to tell him about my acceptance into UA. It's also the reason for me showing up nearly half way into the semester. When my father had seen the USJ incident on the news, he nearly killed me after I told him later on. I didn't tell him that I was applying, let alone did I even believe that I would get accepted. When I got the message telling me that I was getting in based on a certain persons recommendations, I had no doubt in my mind that that flames for brains asshole had taken the liberty of recommending me. 

         In a way, I owed him one; he saved me the trouble of going through entrance exams. In another aspect, I wanted to strangle him because now I had to tell my father. I wasn't as prepared as I formerly thought, my nerves were faltering as I stared up at the overly large doors of UA High. My {E/C} hues stung as I struggled to keep my composure. People weren't exactly my forte; I'd been kept on a leash my whole life almost, not ever allowed to wander off on my own. Really, the only person I knew that went here was a boy by the name of Shinso Hitoshi, someone I'd met due to my father and his' friendship. 

GASOLINE (Dabi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now