Psychosis: Old Hotel

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We head down the hallway toward the sound of the door opening and Ashley opens and enters the door, but is greeted with a jumpscare. Chris runs inside to check out the cause, but the door closes, separating us from him. "Dammit!" Chris shouts.

"Chris!" Ashley and I yell as we bang on the door,

Chris opens it from the other side, "... nothing."

"But you did see it, Chris. For real." Ashley walks into the room and up to Chris.

"I saw... something. But where'd it go?"

I look around the room and find a camera, "I don't like being watched..."

"Well, you many need to get use to it for the time being." Chris glances over to me as I turn the camera.

Ashley finds something on one of the tables, "Hey...Hey, look at this. Doesn't seem as old as some of the stuff down here."

"I don't know." I shrug.

"That is so random."

I walk around some more and find a doll's head, "Just when you think it can't get any creepier..." I go to pick up the doll's head, but several cockroaches come out of it and I smack it away. "Jeez!"

"Ugh..." Chris shudders, "Nightmare fuel."

As we continue to look around the whole lodge seems to shake. "Uh? What was that?" Ashley looks between Chris and I.

"Wait there's a whole 'nother room through here." Chris look over to us, having walked to the other side of the room. "It's mammoth."

"Chris, I don't know if I want to keep goin."

"Ashley," I place a hand on her shoulder, "We have to find Sam."

Ashley hesitates but nods before the three of us walk down more stairs into what looks like an old hotel. "Where in the world are we now?"

"Are you kidding me?" Chris look around.

"Did you know this was here?" I look over to Chris.

He nods, "This? This is like a whole 'nother hotel. I had no idea this was here."

Ashley shakes her head, "I don't think I can take any more of this."

"Yeah, I'm about at my limit here too."

I nod, "So am I."

Ashley shakes her head and sighs, "I just want to forget last year ever happened..."

"To be honest I'm not sure what Hannah thought she was doing."

Ashley nods, "You know how it is when you're crushing pretty hard on somebody."

"Great, so you're basically saying that we put a vulnerable friend in a terrible situation and essentially caused her to run away and never be heard of again?"

I scoff and nod, "that's exactly what you did."

Ashley sighs, " If it was you, don't you think you would have run away? I mean who likes being made fun of?"

Chris shakes his head, "People don't make fun of me."

"To you face."


I shake my head, "You guys made her look so stupid, in front of all her friends and the guys she liked. I can't imagine doing anything worse to somebody. Other than actually killing her yourself."I turn away from Ashley and Chris, unable to look at them anymore. As I look around a find a fake newspaper. "I'm gettin' a really weird feeling from all this..."

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