Revelation: Stranger

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When I get back to the house, Sam gives me a hug, "Hey, E. I'm so sorry."

I shake my head, "what for?"

"Well, I know you liked Josh, so I can't imagine what it's like to find out his insane."

"He is sick and he needs help." I shrug my shoulders. "Yeah, he probably needs to be hospitalized but it's nothing that can't be treated."

Chris scoffs, "Hospitalized? That nut case needs to be in prison. He's a murderer."

Sam turns from me to Chris, "Chris, we don't know what happened to Jessica, she could be fine for all we know."

"Yeah, right."

I step forward, "It's true. Jessica is a bad ass. She'll be fine. I'm actually worried about whatever is out there more than Jessica."

Chris nods and chuckles softly, "Really?"

"Yeah, she's a scrapper. She'll be fine."

Chris nods and the group goes quiet, waiting for Emily and Matt to get back and tell us when help will get here. Hopefully, they'll just be back with the police. Before too long we hear a scream come from outside and someone frantically knocks on the front door.

"Let me in! Let me IN!!!" they shout, it sounds like Emily.

"Is that?" Ashley looks over to Chris.

"It's Em!!" Sam nod.

"Let her in! Quick!" Chris shouts.

We run to the door and let Emily in, when we open the door she falls inside. "Shut the door! Oh my God... shut the door!!!

Sam and i drag Emily inside and help her up. The five of us make our way back to the living room. Once we get Emily on the couch I rub Emily's back, "Em, are you alright?"

"I didn't think that I'd make it."

"You were screaming bloody murder." Chris sighs.

"Are you okay?" Sam places a hand on Emily's.

"You look totally wiped..." Ashley kneels in front of Emily.

"There was something."

"Where's Matt?"

"Something's out there..."

"Did you guys split up?" I continue to rub Emily's back.

"A Monster... it's a monster."

"Wait!" Chris shakes his head. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I don't feel anything, I just need to calm down. It was moving so damn fast..."


"I just had to get away..."

"Away from what?" I move to a kneeling position next to Ashley.

"Th...there was this thing, whatever it was...!"

"Em, Em, you can relax..." Sam tries to calm her down, "Josh was messing with us... but we..."

"You're not listening to me."

"Wait. Em," Chris shakes his head, "Where's Matt? Is he okay?"

"Matt... oh god. We couldn't use the cable car so we climbed the tower and then it fell and we were down in the mine, like way down, down in this terrifying freaking mine shaft..."

"Hold on, hold on..."

"Oh God I think that Matt might be dead."

"Wait, what?"

Monsters in the Mines: Josh Washington (Until Dawn)Where stories live. Discover now