Resolution: Wendigo

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Mike and I make our way to the basement, "How do you rate our chances of survival?"

Mike shakes his head, "I'm trying not to think about it."

As we got to the basement the others run up out of it, "GET OUTTA HERE GO GO GO!!!" Chris runs past us.

"GO!!! RUN!!" Ashley runs up next.

"GO GO WE GOTTA GO!!" Emily runs up next."

"Elena, It's down there!" Sam stops at me and closes the door.

Mike and I run running with the others. I lock the door before we run. Hopefully, buying us some time. When I get up the stairs I see everyone frozen and look up to see a Wendigo on the ceiling decoration. "Don't... move... don't fucking move a muscle..." Mike whispers.

As we stand there the other Wendigo runs upstairs and notices the other Wendigo. Wendigo Hannah and another Wendigo battle. Wendigo Hannah overpowers the other Wendigo and throws him into the stairs, breaking them, and then to the fireplace, breaking a gas pipe in the process. Mike looks at the pipe. The Wendigo recovers and climbs up the wall, Hannah Wendigo following. Mike looks at the leaking pipe, then at a light bulb, then back at the pipe, then to the light switch near the exit. I notice and nod in agreement. A Wendigo approaches Hannah Wendigo, who throws the other Wendigo away. The Wendigo goes to the railing of the upper floor and both Wendigos jump at each other. Hannah Wendigo grabs the other Wendigo by the head and smashes him to the ground, then swiftly decapitates him. I slowly walk back, but the wood beneath me creaks. Wendigo Hannah screams in my direction. While Hannah approaches me and I freeze again, Mike slowly walks to the light bulb, squeezing it and breaking it. The others run out of the lodge when they can. When Mike breaks the bulb Hannah moves in his direction.

When she is far enough away I shout, "Hey!" Hannah screeches at me. I freeze again, clinging every muscle in my body. Mike takes his chance and runs out of the lodge. Soon Hannah turns away from me and I run to hide. I quickly make it to a wall and hide. But Hannah must have heard me because she sneaks around to where I am. I lock up again. Hannah finally leaves. I quickly sprint to the exit of the lodge. A Wendigo chases me. While I flip the light switch, Hannah Wendigo saves me by grabbing the Wendigo back. The lodge explodes into flames, killing the remaining Wendigos. I grunt as I'm thrown forward by the explosion. I look around and see that the others got out and are all okay. I take a few deep breaths as I hear a helicopter and see sun shine. "We have tell them to look for Jess and Matt in the mines."

Mike nods, taking some deep breaths himself. "Yeah."Sam and I crawl to one another and hug in the snow.

When the helicopter lands we are boarded and taken to the police station. Immediately being questioned. Separating all of us. "Can you tell us what happened?" The interview asks as he steps down a cup of coffee.

I nod and pick up the coffee, "It started like it did last year. We all went to the Washington lodge to have fun. Josh seemed to be so happy..."

"Josh Washington?"

"Yes..." I nod. "I thought we were close... After his sisters disappeared, he'd come and talk to me... He said I was the only one who understood him. I thought... I thought we had a connection."

"If you need someone to talk to..."

"I'm fine."

"Sometimes after a traumatic experience..."

"I said I'm fine... If i'm gonna talk to anyone it's gonna be those people in the other integration rooms."

"This isn't an integration, ma'am."

"Either way..."

"What else happened? Some of the other's stories are a little out there."

I sigh, "You need to listen to me. I don't care if you believe me or not. Doesn't matter because you will. You need to go down to the mines."

"What's in the mines, Elena?"

"Monsters... Demons.... Things of legends and myths..." i shake my head and start to cry, "The bodies of my friends." I take a deep breath and collect myself, "I've seen what's down there... and I'd give anything to unsee it. There is something down in those mines and in that Sanatorium. You won't believe us unless you go see it yourself. But if you're smart you won't." Before long they let us go and we head into the main area. When I get there I see Jess and Matt. I run up to them and give Jess a hug first. "Damn, Honey. You look like hell..."

Jess shrugs, "look who's talking."

I chuckle and shrug. I didn't know it in the moment, but I had cut up my arms and face. I turn and hug Matt. We are seen by medical personal and before long all but Chris, Jessica, and Emily are cleared to leave if we wish. Of course, we stay with them to make sure they're okay.

Monsters in the Mines: Josh Washington (Until Dawn)Where stories live. Discover now